Swimming Anatomy

2015-9-12 23:17| 发布者: admin| 查看: 2747| 评论: 50 |原作者: 淡冲的窝

Swimming Anatomy: Your Illustrated Guide for Swimming Strength, Speed and Endurance pdf
595813be71dc2cc4c77fecedee40a191_600x600.jpgSwimming Anatomy: Your Illustrated Guide for Swimming Strength, Speed and Endurance [平装]pdf文件下载地址:
This new addition to the "Anatomy" series will show the reader how to improve their performance by increasing muscle strength and optimising the efficiency of every stroke. "Swimming Anatomy" includes 74 of the most effective swimming exercises, each with step-by-step descriptions and full-colour anatomical illustrations highlighting the primary muscles in action. This book goes beyond exercises by placing the reader on the starting block, in the water and into the throes of competition. Illustrations of the active muscles for starts, turns and the four competitive strokes (freestyle, breaststroke, butterfly and backstroke) shows how each exercise is fundamentally linked to swimming performance. The swimmer will also learn how exercises can be modified to target specific areas, improve form in the water and minimise common swimming injuries. Best of all, how to put it all together to develop a training programme based on individual needs and goals. Whether training for a 50-metre freestyle race or the open-water stage of a triathlon, "Swimming Anatomy" will ensure the reader enters the water prepared to achieve every performance goal.
作者简介Ian McLeod is a licensed athletic trainer and certified massage therapist. At Arizona State University in Mesa, he provided athletic training and massage services to their swimming and diving teams. He also served as an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Arizona School of Health Sciences, teaching a course on sports injury rehabilitation. He is deeply involved with USA Swimming's High Performance Network, a group of health professional volunteers who support US swimmers at national and international meets.

目录Chapter 1. The Swimmer in Motion; Chapter 2. Arms; Chapter 3. Shoulders; Chapter 4. Chest; Chapter 5. Abdomen; Chapter 6. Back; Chapter 7. Legs; Chapter 8. Whole-Body Training.

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