[视频] 成就游泳冠军-自由泳技巧练习 总复习完结篇

iswim 发表于 2012-10-21 13:21:36
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成就游泳冠军-自由泳技巧练习 总复习完结篇成就游泳冠军-青少年自由泳技巧练习全译中文版
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(出处: 悠游网 X Master Swim)

sana 发表于 2012-10-21 21:05:26
百草滋味 发表于 2012-10-22 00:34:11
Snowland01 发表于 2012-10-22 10:47:42
本帖最后由 Snowland01 于 2012-10-25 16:58 编辑

Freestyle full stroke critique & review

We need to get Steven to lead with top of his head just a little bit more, that’s better. That’s better right there. Rotate from side to side, from the base of the hips, keeps his kick small, runs in line and front, as he circles the top side of his body top side recovery arm forward. Very nice, very nice. I would like to see his recovery to be part of his body rhythm a little bit more. In other words you want to be……your recovery throws off the rhythm of your hips. You don’t lift your arms, it is a swing of the rhythm of the hips. Very nice.


What you want to look for here is if she is leading with top of her head, is there any lift of the head for the breath, is she rotating her body from side to side form the hips. I like what I am seeing as she’s swimming toward me. She could possibly be leading with the top of her head a little bit more, to take lead she get to end of the pool. She put her face forward a little bit.


Top of the head, rotate from the base of the pelvis, rotate from the base of the hips. Vivian has a very nice free style. Run the line, before she circles the elbow. In freestyle underwater, you want to check for……in the arms you want to check for the fingertips pining towards the bottom of the poll, the athlete getting their forearms against the water. You want to keep the elbow up in relation to the rest, so like you’re reaching around a big barrel. You want to get an armful of water there. And you want this vault coming of this hand anchor. You take the top hip down onto the balance line early on the anchor and then circle up. Once your arm gets under you shoulder starts the circle up recovery.

注意头部(引导),从盆骨开始转动,从臀部下部转动。Vivian的自由泳非常漂亮。沿直线游,接着沿环形提肘。在自由泳水下动作中,需要检查的是:在手臂动作中手指尖要直指向池底。运动员们让前臂对水。我们需要保持高肘手肘和身体其他部分相 关联,就好像你抱住了一个圆筒。你需要在这个位置抓到满手的水。你的撑跳物来自于锚定的手。你要早点把高位一侧的臀部转向平衡线接着环形提肘。

So in freestyle, early anchor, hip rotation comes early, don’t wait until your hand is under your body to rotate your hips, start the hips rotation as early as possible and then keep your fingertips pointed to the bottom of the pool, and you circle the elbow up.


I hope you’ve been enjoying the presentation of becoming a championship swimmer. We focus on the basic here. And the basics are extremely important. What we talk about in this series I talk to my team about almost every day in practice. In championship wining swimming, we build on the basic and take it to a more advanced level. We feature NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) champion Shelly Ripple, an Olympian record holder, Carry Kors in that series. I hope you have a wonderful experience in this great sport of swimming.

我希望你们喜欢成就冠军自由泳这个录像。我们关注基础的东西,基础是非常重要的。我们在这一系列里教学的是我对我的队员训练时每天都要谈到的内容。在成就冠军泳者教学中,我们先打好基础,再融入更高阶教学中。我们让NACC冠军Shelly Ripple,奥运会纪录保持者Carry Kors在高阶教学系列做演示。我希望你们在游泳这项伟大的运动中有一个很棒的体验。

笨笨瓜 发表于 2012-10-22 12:15:21
一葬一夕 发表于 2012-10-22 14:32:12
水上芭蕾 发表于 2012-10-22 18:20:32
虾扯蛋 发表于 2012-10-22 22:59:42
Snowland01 发表于 2012-10-22 10:47
Freestyle full stroke critique & review

Snowland01 发表于 2012-10-23 00:37:30
虾扯蛋 发表于 2012-10-22 22:59

知非 发表于 2012-10-23 00:39:29
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