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  • Swimming Anatomy
    admin 2747 0 2015-9-12 23:17
    Swimming Anatomy: Your Illustrated Guide for Swimming Strength, Speed and Endurance pdf……
  • Dryland Training for Swimmers’ Shoulder
    admin 3705 0 2015-8-23 17:32
    As a physiotherapist, I see clients in the clinic with varying degrees of swimming related shoulder pain. If you’ve been swimming for years to maintain fitness or are just picking up the sport as a n ...……
  • 6 Ways to Stop Swimming Like Gollum
    admin 2193 0 2015-8-23 17:07
    Swimming “long and tall” is a great way to swim efficiently. The less drag you create from bad posture, the better.But given our lifestyles, smart phone use and relative inactivity, it can be challe ...……
  • 游泳教练教材《The swim coaching bible》两卷
    admin 5580 0 2015-1-24 23:53
    Mobi版,全英文,不适合初学者。适合英文好的教练员和想提高的游泳爱好者。在美国亚马逊游泳书籍排名靠前。 详情请看亚马逊的介绍: 卷一:http://www.amazon.cn/The-Swim-Coaching-Bible-Hannula-Dick/dp/07360 ...……
  • How to Do an Open Turn for Swimming
    admin 3975 0 2012-7-19 23:20
    How to Do an Open Turn for Swimming Imagine you’re lap swimming in a lane with a few other people. Every time you go to the wall for a turn, the other swimmers catch up to you. How f ...……
  • Technique Parts of the freestyle stroke
    admin 3210 0 2012-7-19 17:31
    1. Entry- just in front of the head and just outside of your body’s centerline--as the hand pierces the water. (*It extends to the point in which YOU can handle getting into the front catch and Hold) ...……
  • How & When to Swim Straight-arm Freestyle
    admin 3376 0 2012-7-19 17:26
    If you follow competitive swimming, there’s a good chance that you’ve seen Olympians use straight-arm freestyle in sprinting events. Most sprinters at the higher level try out this technique at some ...……
  • admin 3069 0 2012-7-19 16:28
    Many swimmers pull incorrectly. They often do not grip the maximum amount of water that they can. Sometimes it can feel like you’re swimming backwards! By working on your pull, you can improve your o ...……
  • How to Do a Backstroke Flip Turn
    admin 5818 0 2012-7-17 10:59
    A flip turn in freestyle can seem confusing enough. Trying to flip over while swimming backstroke can seem inconceivable! Although a backstroke flip turn requires a little added finesse, in reality it ...……
  • 国际泳联水上世界杂志免费下载 伦敦奥运会124全彩页(电子杂志)
    admin 3003 0 2012-7-5 01:47
    国际泳联水上世界杂志免费下载 伦敦奥运会124全彩页(电子杂志) 为迎接2012伦敦奥运会到来,国际泳联水上世界杂志现提供奥运前在线版124页全彩页杂志免费下载,以下是下载链接: 伦敦奥运会124全彩页(电子杂志 ...……
  • admin 2808 0 2012-6-30 00:08
    Swimming with paddles gives people a feeling of power as they pull, but this drill will help you focus on another aspect of your stroke... reach! Why Do It: The surface area of the paddle can help y ...……
  • youyong 4266 0 2011-7-6 11:46
    .Total.Immersion.Swimming.轻松有效的鱼式游泳 New 悠游原创-《悠游课堂》中文海外版 轻轻松松学游泳总目录表 体侧平衡——经典全浸四式 竹内慎司全浸自由泳示范长版本 New 琼斯竹内慎司小菲自由泳演 ...……
  • youyong 4013 0 2011-7-6 11:45
    GoSwim 高水平运动员游泳最新技术核心视频 GoSwim 发布新功能索引即相关帮助文档 罗兰舒曼的自由泳视频教程完整版 Go Swim Sprint Freestyle with Roland Schoeman http://www.xmuswim.com/forum.php?mod=viewthre ...……
  • youyong 9503 0 2011-7-6 11:35
    成就游泳冠军-青少年蝶泳双语字幕高清版 http://www.xmuswim.com/forum.php?mod=viewthreadtid=37788fromuid=34532 成就游泳冠军-青少年蛙泳英文高清版 Becoming a Champion Swimmer - Breaststroke http ...……
  • youyong 5004 0 2011-7-6 11:35
    SWIM FAST ---- BUTTERFLYgt;跟PHELPS学蝶泳(中文字幕版) http://www.xmuswim.com/forum.php?mod=viewthreadtid=37644fromuid=1 速泳-和摩西一起练蛙泳(完整版)SWIM FAST - Breaststroke with Ed Moses and ...……





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