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  • 金牌教练理查德奎克 Championship-Winning Freestyle 自由泳高清
    admin 6241 0 2016-8-3 15:45
    金牌教练理查德奎克介绍 Richard Quick 游泳传奇教练Richard Quick执教40余年, 入主过3所大学(Texas, Stanford, Auburn), 13次带队问鼎NCAA(全美运动员协会)游泳锦标赛, 6次荣膺NCAA年度最佳教练, 并获教练终 ...……
  • 自由泳打腿的两个误区
    admin 6806 0 2016-8-1 15:17
    摘 要:自由泳的技术精华被理解为“全靠打水”,这是对传统训练的极大误解。而深信平衡训练才是法宝,不屑打水练习的观点更是不切实际。 【关键词】 自由泳 误区 训练……
  • “锄头脚”练成芭蕾脚
    admin 4169 0 2016-7-27 17:36
    摘 要:关节的灵活性,或者说脚腕的柔韧性是打水效率高与低的关键因素之一 【关键词】 水上运动 比赛成绩 游泳运动 运动员……
  • 初学自由泳-划水与呼吸技术
    admin 4015 1 2016-7-11 22:35
    划水与呼吸是自由泳重要的基本技术之一。自由泳时,身体前进的主要推进力产生于手臂的划水动作,呼吸则是游泳状态持续的保证。本节介绍包括划水和呼吸技术及训练方法等。一、划水和呼吸技术划水和呼吸技术包括划水技 ...……
  • 自由泳技巧 Torpedo Kick With Fins
    admin 2175 0 2016-6-25 14:58
    Purpose To develop kick technique Key PointsWearing fins, drive off the wall in a streamlined torpedo shapeKick continuously as you exhaleComplete a sculling motion while you raise your head forwar ...……
  • 自由泳技巧-绑腿自由泳练习 Swimming With Bands
    admin 6372 0 2015-9-21 22:37
    Purpose Wearing a band around your ankles prevents you from kicking at allIt helps you focus on better rhythm and timing in your strokeIt adds a little drag at the back, encouraging you to catch a ...……
  • 自由泳技巧-标枪式游泳技巧 单个划手掌练习 Javelin Drill
    admin 4006 0 2015-9-18 23:13
    Purpose Correcting your stroke problems while breathing: pressing down, pulling through wide, catching early or lateImproving the alignment of your catch as you breathePreventing the lead ha ...……
  • 自由泳技巧-不协调技巧练习法说明Unco Drill
    admin 2818 0 2015-9-5 15:05
    Unco Drill Purpose Helps you develop rhythm and timing of your strokeIt brings many stroke elements together, forcing you to time your catch, pull and body rotation correctlyIt also can help t ...……
  • 自由泳技巧-水球训练技巧 Waterpolo Drill
    admin 4848 0 2015-9-5 15:04
    自由泳技巧-水球训练技巧 Waterpolo Drill Purpose Head up waterpolo is useful for advanced swimmers to improve rhythm and timing of the strokeIt’s effective at removing dead spotsIt helps yo ...……
  • 自由泳技巧-超直水雷蹬壁练习 Streamline / Torpedo Pushoff
    admin 6325 0 2015-9-5 14:30
    Purpose Setting up for a great swimming posture at the start of every lap Key Points Lean forward into the water letting your body float, simultaneously put one hand on top of the oth ...……
  • 自由泳技巧-自由泳肩部矛刺手技巧的练习 Shoulder Tap Drill
    admin 3880 0 2015-9-5 14:22
    Shoulder Tap Drill 自由泳技巧-自由泳肩部水龙头技巧的练习 Shoulder Tap Drill Purpose This is an excellent drill to work on a positive spearing hand entry into the waterIt also helps undo a ...……
  • 自由泳技巧-水下手臂摇橹综合练习Scull Combo Drill
    admin 3682 0 2015-9-3 08:43
    Purpose Combining all three sculling drills into one neat little sequence really makes you feel the benefit to your catch and pull throughEnahnces your proprioception of the catch and pull through ...……
  • 自由泳技巧-手臂胸下摇橹练习 Scull-2
    admin 3475 0 2015-9-2 17:02
    Purpose Similar to Scull #1, Scull #2 focuses on the phase of the stroke between the catch and pull through phase, under the headIt’s a very useful drill to help you correct a wide S shape or str ...……
  • 自由泳技巧-手臂胸前摇撸练习 Scull
    admin 2821 0 2015-9-2 16:48
    Purpose Sculling is a very valuable drill to help develop your ‘feel for the water’ – how it feels to position and time the catch and pull stroke movements correctlyScull #1 is the most importa ...……
  • 自由泳技巧-体下摇橹水感练习 Scull -3
    admin 3627 0 2015-8-28 22:23
    Purpose Developing the final phase of the arm pull throughSetting up a bent elbow exit from the water (150° approx.) and prevent elbow pain when swimming freestyle Key Points Use a pull buoy ...……



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