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  • 自由泳技巧-Z型双手移臂 Double Switchback Drill
    admin 1655 0 2015-8-20 00:50
    Purpose This is an advanced drill to challenge your balance and core control in the water Key Points Kick on your sideTap the water just behind your hip with your fingertips and recover the a ...……
  • 自由泳出发技巧-入水出水的重要技术Dive & Breakout
    admin 7350 0 2015-8-19 21:55
    Purpose A diving start may be used in some pool competitions and can be really fun to learn IMPORTANT: Check the water depth!Diving into shallow water is very dangerousKey Points ...……
  • 自由泳滚动练习-螺旋状游进技巧 Corkscrew Drill
    admin 1926 0 2015-8-19 09:17
    Purpose 自由泳滚动练习Corkscrew Drill The corkscrew kick is a novel way to practice your kick technique and add some variation to your trainingIt’s a great way to learn to keep your core ...……
  • 自由泳呼吸重要技巧 Bubble Bubble Breathe Example
    admin 2038 0 2015-8-18 23:33
    Purpose Helps you coordinate exhalation and bilateral breathing timing in the full stroke Key Points As you swim full stroke freestyle repeat the mantra: Breathe – bubble – bubble – ...……
  • 自由泳手臂技巧-手臂追赶技术练习 Catch Up DrillCatch Up Drill
    admin 1880 0 2015-8-18 22:25
    One of the oldest drills out thereArms catch up at the front of the strokeWas thought to emphasise front quadrant style (two hands in front of the head at any one time) Disadvantages Flattens ...……
  • 自由泳技巧-螺旋滚动练习 Corkscrew Drill
    admin 1692 0 2015-8-18 22:11
    Purpose The Corpse kick is a novel way to practice your kick technique and add some variation to your trainingIt’s a great way to learn to keep your core engaged and use your abdominal musclesIt ...……
  • 自由泳呼吸技巧-无支撑手呼吸技巧Breathing Under Arm Drill
    admin 1803 0 2015-8-17 23:56
    自由泳呼吸技巧-无支撑手呼吸技巧Breathing Under Arm Drill Purpose Practicing rotation to the breathing sideImproving breathing timing with the stroking arm Key Points Using fins, pul ...……
  • 自由泳滚动技巧练习 利用指挥棒进行手臂交换 Baton 6/1/6
    admin 1898 0 2015-8-17 23:12
    自由泳滚动技巧练习 Baton616 Purpose Correcting arm timing in swimmers who lose support of their lead hand as they go to take a breath (some Arnies and Bambinos) Key Points ...……
  • 自由泳技巧-滚动侧身技巧练习 6/5/6 Drill
    admin 1595 0 2015-8-16 22:15
    Purpose This is a progression of the 6-3-6 drillIt helps with both developing your posture and alignment in the water as well as rotationIt also improves your catch set up position and full st ...……
  • 自由泳芭蕾腿技巧练习 Ballet Leg Kick
    admin 1962 0 2015-8-16 22:14
    Ballet Leg Kick……
  • 自由泳推水结束时机 Back Of Stroke Timing
    admin 2074 0 2015-8-16 15:12
    Key Points Concentrate your efforts on simply pressing water back behind you with the palm of your handCombined with good rotation, this pull through will lead to an efficient long stroke tech ...……
  • 自由泳侧身练习技巧 6/1/6 Drill
    admin 1607 0 2015-8-16 14:16
    Purpose This drill is a progression of the Kick on Side drill It helps develop your alignment, posture and catch set up position Key Points Take a breath after the stroke and rotation to the othe ...……
  • 自由泳技巧-滚动侧身技巧练习 6/3/6 Drill
    admin 3991 0 2015-8-16 14:16
    Purpose This is a progression of the 6/1/6 drillIt helps with both developing your posture and alignment in the water as well as rotationIt also improves your catch set up position and full st ...……
  • 【推荐】关于自由泳巡航游技术
    admin 12898 0 2013-12-4 22:56
    划幅长而流畅的巡航游 因为没有经验的游泳运动员往往为了快游而牺牲流畅性,所以,他们在激发竞赛的活力之前,必须掌握从容不迫的游泳方式。在初级阶段,他们应当减慢划水速度来促使身体更平衡地成一直线,动作更 ...……
  • 自由泳单侧呼吸的技战术特点【推荐】
    admin 10573 0 2013-12-3 23:26
    自由泳的呼吸方式和其它三种泳姿相比,存在明显的差异,其好坏直接影响划水力量和速度、耐力的发挥。数据证明,单侧呼吸技战术在自由泳中有很大优势,可使运动员在游进过程中保持身体平衡,减少身体多余的转动,节省 ...……



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