楼主: 清澈的水

[游泳日记] 写在泳池的另一端(专业教练制定俱乐部每日训练计划)

 楼主| 清澈的水 发表于 2010-4-14 00:24:22
2010/4/7 Wednesday
//sprint + strength day//
200y warm up
4 x 200y fins practice: 100y side kick with one arm standing out of water and holding a kickboard (the other arm in streamline position) + 100y fly
100y easy
10’ nonstop swimming
10’ nonstop sprint and strength practice: do the following cycle nonstop
------ 25y sprint free from the block
------ hop up out of water
------ squat-walking back on deck for 25y
------ 10 speed squat
10’ nonstop team relay for 50y sprint swimming (5-people team, I did 4 free and 1 fly)
5 x 200y free on 3’30”
200y warm down

2300y total + three 10’ nonstop practices (1hr 30min)

2010/4/7 周三
200y 热身
4 x 200y戴蹼练习: 100y 侧身打水,一只手垂直伸出水面并且举着扶板,另一只手保持超直前伸状态 + 100y 蝶
100y 放松
10’ 不停连续游
10’ 不停连续冲刺和力量练习: 以下练习循环做
------ 25y 自冲刺,跳台出发
------ 撑池壁出水上岸
------ 岸边边深蹲边行走25y
------ 10个快速深蹲
10’ 不停连续50y 冲刺接力 (5人接力, 我游了4个自一个蝶)
5 x 200y 自 3’30”包干
200y 冷身

总量2300y 以及三个 10’ 连续练习 (1小时30分)
 楼主| 清澈的水 发表于 2010-4-14 00:24:42
2010/4/8 Thursday
//mixed day//
400y warm up
6 x 100y IM
50y easy
4 x 150y free:
------ odd are 50y fast + 50y easy + 50y fast
------ even are 50y easy + 50y fast + 50y easy
5 x 400y on 6’45”
10 x 50y on 1’ as warm down

4150y total (1hr 20min)

2010/4/8 周四
400y 热身
6 x 100y 混
50y 放松
4 x 150y 自:
------ 单数:50y 快游 + 50y 放松 + 50y 快游
------ 双数:50y 放松 + 50y 快游 + 50y 放松
5 x 400y 自, 6’45”一个包干
10 x 50y 冷身,1’一个包干

总量 4150y (1小时20分)
 楼主| 清澈的水 发表于 2010-4-14 00:25:04
2010/4/10 Saturday
//prep for tomorrow’s meet, light practice, 50m pool//
8 x 50m free on 1’ each
4 x 50m in IM order on 1’ each
200m free
6 x 50m free on 1’ each

1100m total (30min)

2010/4/10 周六
8 x 50m 自,1’一个包干
4 x 50m 按混合泳顺序,1’一个包干
200m 自
6 x 50m自,1’一个包干

 楼主| 清澈的水 发表于 2010-4-14 00:25:12
2010/4/11 Sunday
//SCY meet//
Preliminary results:
200y IM: 2’49”
500y free: 6’56”
Will confirm with official results and get the splits
I broke 7 min in 500y free!

//Two national records were broken during the meet: 200y free and 200y fly//

2010/4/11 周日
200y 个人混合泳:2’49”
500y 自由泳:6’56”

 楼主| 清澈的水 发表于 2010-4-14 00:25:23
2010/4/12 Monday
//focus on turns, push-off and 1st stroke//
300y warm up
6 x 200y on 3’15, the 4th one should be fast
6 x 100y on 1’40”
------ odd: no kicking after push-off, streamline position reaching as far as possible
------ even: dolphin kick after push-off, see following notes
3 x 100y on 1’45”, all out fast using techniques learned from above set
200y warm down

2600y total (1hr)

Notes: two key techniques to focus on after push-off:
1.        dophin kicks should start big and slow, end up small but fast
2.        the first stroke should start with the lower hand (the other hand on top it in streamline), or the lower arm if gliding on one side, and no breathing in the first stroke
These two techniques would help the body float to the water surface. Also remember no head up or hips down in the first stroke. Coach said my push-off is not strong enough. Need to work on it.

2010/4/12 周一
300y 热身
6 x 200y 3’15包干, 要求第四个快游
6 x 100y 1’40” 包干
------ 单数:蹬壁后不打水, 身体呈超直流线型,尽量走远
------ 双数: 蹬壁后蝶泳腿,详细要求见以下说明
3 x 100y 1’45”包干, 用以上练习学到的技术要点全速快游
200y 冷身

总量 2600y (1小时)

1.        蝶泳腿从幅度大到幅度小,但是频率要越来越快
2.        第一划应该由位置低的手开始(超直流线型时一只手按在另一只上),如果是侧身滑行,那应该由在侧身下方的一只手开始,第一划不要呼吸
 楼主| 清澈的水 发表于 2010-4-15 16:19:48
2010/4/14 Wednesday
//mixed day//
300y warm up
5 x 100y butterfly kick on back, fins on, and pull buoy between upper legs, which helps practice keeping legs tight together in dolphin kicks
Do the following sets 4 times:
------ 250y pull with pull buoy between ankles
------ 200y free (50y medium + 50y build + 50y all out fast + 50y hold), using push-off and 1st stroke techniques learned on Monday
Do the following sets 4 times: 25y on 30”, 25” 20” 45” (all out sprint), respectively
------ 9 x 25y in fly-back-breast order:
------ 25y nice easy free
6 x 50y on 1’ warm down

3900y total (1hr 30min)

2010/4/14 周三
300y 热身
5 x 100y 仰面蝶泳腿,戴蹼,大腿之间夹浮子,帮助养成蝶泳腿双腿夹紧的习惯
------ 250y 手部划水练习,浮子夹在脚踝处
------ 200y 自(50y 中速+ 50y 加速 + 50y 全力快速 + 50y 保持),注意使用周一学习的蹬壁和第一划技术
以下练习做四次:四次里25y分别要求是30” 25” 20” 45” (全速冲刺)包干
------- 9 x 25y 按照蝶-仰-蛙的顺序循环
------- 25y 舒展放松自
6 x 50y 一分包干作为冷身

总量 3900y (1小时30分)
 楼主| 清澈的水 发表于 2010-5-6 01:03:58
2010/4/15 Thursday
//focus on breathing//
100y warm up
6 x 175y on 3’ as two sets (1,2,3 and 4,5,6), each set on descending time
50y easy
Coach instructs on key techniques in breathing for fly, back and breast:
------ for all strokes, breathing will break the body position. It needs to be done fast and efficient
------ fly: breathe in when finishing the pull, done with inhaling when arms in half recovery, then head down into water
------ back: breathe once in one cycle (two arm strokes) or longer, exhale with mouth steady
------ breast: look down at 45 degrees at water when breathing, do not look forward, arms’ pull will lower the water level in front of the chest, make it a little bowl, and that’s where breathing should be taken. Then go into underwater streamline position as fast as possible. During gliding, head should be under arms.
6 x 150y practice on breathing techniques for fly, back and breast, slow to medium pace but really focus on the techniques.
5 x 100y IM on 2’, no need to go all out fast, make every stroke under control and focus on breathing
400y free, do alternate breathing on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th stroke in the unit of 25y
10 x 50y on 1’ as warm down

3500y total (1hr 30min)

My comments:
1)        I usually breathe in backstroke once per stroke. That was fast but shallow breathing. Now learned to breathe once per cycle. It helps to make everything smoother. But still, water getting into nose hurts me.
2)        Coach said the 2nd kick in my butterfly needs to be stronger.

2010/4/15 周四
100y 热身
6 x 175y, 3’一个包干,1,2,3为一组,4,5,6为一组,要求每组内一次比一次快。
50y 放松
------ 所有泳姿的呼吸都会打破身体游进当中的姿态,需要快速和有效率的呼吸
------ 蝶:吸气应当在推水结束时开始,在空中移臂到一半时完成,然后立刻头部入水,移臂再完成剩下的一半
------ 仰:一个周期或者更多完成一次呼吸,嘴部呼气,匀速
------ 蛙: 头出水面吸气时眼睛45度角往下看,不能看前方。手部抱水会在胸前形成水面碗状凹陷,那是吸气的位置。然后尽快头部入水,形成超直流线型,要求滑行时头部被双臂夹在下方。
6 x 150y 练习蝶仰蛙的呼吸,慢速到中速,重点在于训练呼吸技术。
5 x 100y 混 2’一个包干, 不追求速度,控制好每个动作,体会呼吸细节。
400y 自, 练习两侧呼吸,要求分别呼吸在第三,第五,第七,第九次划水,以25y为单位轮换
10 x 50y 1’一个包干作为冷身

总量3500y (1小时 30分)

1)        我原来仰泳呼吸紊乱,有节奏也是一划一呼吸,一个周期呼吸两次,现在改成两划一呼吸,感觉轻松了,但是还是有时候要鼻子呼气把水喷出来,不然难受。
2)        教练说我蝶泳二次腿不够用力,以后要加强。
 楼主| 清澈的水 发表于 2010-5-6 01:04:16
2010/4/19 Monday
//focus on sprint and strength//
400y warm up
6 x 125y on 2’30”: 25y fast kick on back + 25y drill (I did single arm fly) + 75y build (odd are free, even are choice---I did breast)
50y easy
8 x 50y swim with a partner:
------ 25y swim with ankles held by a partner floating behind you, swim fast!
------ 25y floating behind your partner and hold his ankles, no kicking
//When coach said each person to find a partner, a guy jumped on another guy…LOL//
10 x (25y all out sprint + 25y nice easy): odd 50y are best stroke (I did free), even 50y are worst stroke (I did back)
50y sprint of choice, starting from the block
100y easy as warm down

2250y total (1hr)

2010/4/19 周一
//重点练习短距离冲刺和力量 //
400y 热身
6 x 125y 2’30”一个包干: 25y 仰面快速打水 + 25y 练习(我做了单臂蝶) + 75y 加速游 (单数自,双数自选---我选了蛙)
50y 放松
8 x 50y找个同伴两人一组练习:
------ 25y 快游,脚踝被漂浮在后的同伴抓住,带着同伴游
------ 25y 漂浮,抓住前面游的同伴的脚踝,和前一个25y换位置,不能打水
//教练说大家各找一个同伴,一个男的立马去抱边上的另一个男的,哈哈哈 //
10 x (25y 全速冲刺+ 25y 放松): 单数 50y are 最强泳姿 (我游了自), 双数 50y 最弱泳姿 (我游了仰)
50y 自选泳姿冲刺,跳台出发
100y 放松冷身

总量 2250y (1小时)
 楼主| 清澈的水 发表于 2010-5-6 01:04:37
2010/4/20 Tuesday
//kicking day//
450y warm up
7 x 50y: odd are kicking on back in IM order, even are single arm free, make sure breathe on every stroke
5 x 200y kick with fins, on 3’45”: odd are kicking on side (I did side dolphin kick), even are kick on back (I did flutter kick)
6 x 300y swim: odd are free on descending time, even are 6 x (25y stroke + 25y easy free)
100y warm down

3700y total (1hr 30min)

My comments: single arm free is pretty helpful to work on my weak side breathing.

2010/4/20 周二
//练习打水日 //
450y 热身
7 x 50y: 单数是仰面打水,按混的顺序轮换打水方式, 复数是单臂自,每划一次呼吸一次
5 x 200y戴蹼打水, 3’45”一个包干: 单数是侧面打水(我打了蝶泳腿), 双数是仰面打水(我打了仰泳腿)
6 x 300y游: 单数游自,要求一次比一次快, 双数 6 x (25y 自选泳姿 + 25y 放松自)
100y 冷身

总量3700y (1小时 30分)

 楼主| 清澈的水 发表于 2010-5-6 01:04:56
2010/4/21 Wednesday
//focus on transition//
400y warm up
Do the following set 3 times: 1st and 3rd times are free, 2nd time are choice
------ 3 x 75y (kick-drill-swim)
12 x 50y free: 1st to 4th on 1’; 5th to 8th on 55”; 9th to 12th on 50”
Then test heart rate, do 50y easy till heart rate drops below 120 per minute (I did 2 x50y)
12 x 25y free on 40”: focus on transition from push-off to first stroke, do dolphin kick and then flutter kick for at least half of a lap, float up to the surface, make sure shoulders and hips reach the surface at the same time. Do first stroke without breathing, and pull strong.
6 x 200y on 3’45”: first 150y are free build by 50y, last 50y are best stroke and fast (I did strokes in IM order, no free)
250y warm down

3525y total (1hr 30min)

2010/4/21 周三
400y 热身
以下练习三次: 第一次和第三次为自,第二次为其他泳姿
------ 3 x 75y (打水—分解练习—游)
12 x 50y 自: 前四个1’一个包干; 中间四个55”一个包干; 最后四个50”一个包干
然后立刻自测心律, 放松游50y自一直到心律降到每分钟120 以下 (我游了两个50y)
12 x 25y 自40”一个包干: 重点练习蹬壁以后到第一划之间的转换,打蝶泳腿然后自腿,要求至少半个池子长度以后才浮出水面,浮出的时候注意肩和臀要同时浮出,身体保持水平。第一划不能呼吸,而且要强劲。
6 x 200y 3’45”一个包干: 前 150y 为自,以50y为单位加速游, 最后 50y 为拿手泳姿快速游 (我游了自以外的三种泳姿,按混的顺序)
250y 冷身

总量3525y (1小时30分)
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游泳科学:优化水中运动表现的技术、体能、营养和康复指导 是全面展现游泳运动科学知识与运动表现提升的专业指导书。全书从游泳运动的发展历程、科研发现、装备与技术革新,以及这项运动所涉及的运动员生理、心理和技术层面的理论与实践讲起,通过科学图表与数据分析,将优化游泳运动表现的重要方面——技术、体能、营养和康复进行了细致地讲解。书中还重点介绍了游泳训练的方法,包括泳池训练和陆上训练两部分,旨在帮助游泳教练、运动员及爱好者形成标准化的训练体系,有效提升游泳运动表现。
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