楼主: 快乐悠悠

[视频] 关于平衡的问题----全浸教练海尼斯

 楼主| 快乐悠悠 发表于 2012-5-6 23:40:17
Don't Try This At Home

Try this experiment to see the effects of buoy pressure for yourself. Push off from the wall on your stomach with both arms at your sides and begin kicking easily. Keep your head in line — the crown of your head should be in line with your spine, nose pointed toward the bottom of the pool. Lightly press your buoy toward the bottom, allowing your hips to rise to the surface. The more of an “uphill” swimmer you are the more pressure you will need on your buoy to bring your hips to the surface. When you need to take a breath, lift your head straight up in front to get a breath of air. Then put your head back down so that the crown is in line with your spine and press your buoy again. Note that when you lift your head, your hips and legs sink rapidly toward the bottom. And note that as soon as you get your head back in line with your spine and press your buoy, you can easily get re-balanced. The back quarter of your head, your shoulder blades and the cheeks of your butt will all be exposed to the air when you are in balance.


 楼主| 快乐悠悠 发表于 2012-5-6 23:40:42
Now do the same thing again but after you are aware of being well balanced, start playing with the amount of buoy pressure. Try putting too much pressure on your buoy, enough to submerge your head and shoulders and poke your butt way out of the water, then go back to a balanced position. Next try letting some pressure off the buoy and feel your hips and legs sink. You should feel as though you have complete control of the position of your hips and legs based on what you do with your head and buoy rather than by using your kick for that purpose. Finally, try swimming a length or two using your new-found balancing skills, feeling for your butt and hips to stay right at the water surface.

 楼主| 快乐悠悠 发表于 2012-5-6 23:40:54
Ponder the Consequences

Aquatic balance is fundamental to efficient swimming. Without it, all other swimming activities are meaningless. Yet, for most swimmers, a sense of balance is not well developed. On land, there were dire consequences to help you stay focused long enough to turn land-balance into a no-brainer. Are there similar motivators to keep you focused long enough to get your water-balance dialed in? Ponder these consequences of poor water-balance: 1) With poor balance you are likely spending twice as much or more energy than necessary to get from here to there, and 2) Right now, today, enlightened swimmers around you are looking at your unbalanced, low hips position and snickering to themselves about the way you swim and 3) Some of those same swimmers are talking behind your back.


水中平衡是有效游泳的基础,没有它,所有的游泳活动都毫无意义。对绝大多数来说,平衡感并没有得到充分地发展。在陆地上,会有可怕的后果来提醒你时刻保持平衡,直到成为下意识。水中有同样的刺激因素吗?考虑下水里不平衡的后果:1)你需要花两倍的能量来游泳 2)别人会对你糟糕的姿势无情地嘲笑 3)在背后谈论你
 楼主| 快乐悠悠 发表于 2012-5-6 23:41:05
How much more “dire” do you need?

Stay focused on the fundamentals and you will be a better swimmer!



你家小银龙 发表于 2012-12-2 09:38:29
涵晔 发表于 2012-12-2 09:38:57
无忧 发表于 2012-12-2 09:39:06
水水水水水 发表于 2012-12-2 09:39:18
悠着点吧 发表于 2012-12-2 09:39:29
悠然得很 发表于 2012-12-2 09:39:38
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