[下载] 自由泳身体转动的原则:来自TI教练的六条建议

凯恩斯 发表于 2012-5-12 22:37:34
28126 25
We are often tempted to quantify core-body rotation numerically – e.g. more than 30 but less than 90 degrees – but few of us are likely to carry a protractor to the pool to pin down the number. I've found that it's easier and more "organic" to be guided by kinesthetic awareness and a clear sense of the potential benefits and costs of more or less rotation. Here are six "Rules for Rotation" that have worked in my own freestyle practice and with the students I teach:
 楼主| 凯恩斯 发表于 2012-5-12 22:37:51
1. Rotate enough to allow a relaxed, healthy recovery. Shoulders are notoriously troublesome joints which are particularly vulnerable to strain when the arm is behind the body (imagine lying on your stomach, flat on the floor and bringing your arm forward with your elbow higher than your back). With greater rotation, lifting your arm for recovery will be easier and your shoulder will be in a more stable position.

 楼主| 凯恩斯 发表于 2012-5-12 22:38:03
2. Rotate enough to allow a weight shift from track to track. Rather than using your arms to push water back, use your lead hand as an anchor, holding your “place” in the water. Shift your weight forward from that lead hand/anchor onto the new lead hand; the weight shift is achieved as you rotate from track to track.本帖最后由 yurenhui 于 2011-11-15 15:08 编辑


 楼主| 凯恩斯 发表于 2012-5-12 22:38:26
3. Rotate enough to allow a shoulder to reach the air and follow that shoulder to air for a breath. Lifting the head for a breath will harm your balance, alignment and propulsion. In the skate position, the mouth is near the shoulder; maintain that proximity as the shoulder rotates to the air and the mouth follows to breathe.3.足够的转体让肩膀露出水面,然后跟随着肩膀吸气

 楼主| 凯恩斯 发表于 2012-5-12 22:38:34
4. Limit rotation to receive more support from the water, thereby improving your balance. If you lay a dinner plate face down in the water and release it, it will descend slowly. If you turn it on edge and release it, it will descend rapidly because it has lost support. So it is with our bodies: as you rotate from a flat position, you lose support and your hips may fall through. It’s important in your skating practice to find the balance point – where you lose enough support that your hips drop. Limit your rotation short of that point.4、限制转动来获取水对身体的更多支撑,从而提高平衡

 楼主| 凯恩斯 发表于 2012-5-12 22:38:54
5. Limit rotation to improve rhythm - too much rotation when breathing makes an uneven rhythm. Many people rotate more than needed to get a breath; this extra rotation will either take more time to accomplish or require an energetic, rushed stroke. In the first case, the likely outcome is that energy is wasted holding a static position (especially if balance and alignment are compromised as your head reaches for the air), and momentum is lost because your stroke rhythm (propulsion) is interrupted. In the second case, the rushed energetic stroke will likely create waves, damage your alignment, and swirl away water, rather than using it effectively. In some cases, it becomes aquatic violence: water has a way of getting even with you for treating it roughly!5、限制你的转动来提高节奏

 楼主| 凯恩斯 发表于 2012-5-12 22:39:06
6. Limit rotation to increase stroke rate. If you want to swim faster (and you can consistently maintain a stroke count (SPL) for the distance you choose to swim), the key is to increase your stroke rate. Because rotation takes time, it may help you to increase your stroke rate by limiting rotation.6、限制转动来加快划水速率

 楼主| 凯恩斯 发表于 2012-5-12 22:39:19
Because we are land based animals, swimming often presents us with compromises. The first three rules ask us to rotate; the second three rules ask us to limit rotation. Practicing with all six rules in mind helps us find the right compromise for effective swimming.因为我们是陆地动物,因此游泳对我们来说往往要做出一定的妥协。头三条告诉我们为什么要转动,后三条告诉我们为什么要限制转动。按照这六条来练习,能帮助我们找到正确的妥协方式来提高游泳效率。
夏天的风 发表于 2012-5-22 11:08:20
慢慢游 发表于 2012-5-25 23:29:59
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