
小小悠 发表于 2013-11-30 14:25:36
20170 0

推荐:来自美国幼教大神珍妮弗·威廉姆斯编写的《Step-by-Step Water Confidence 》,手把手教父母如何指导6个月到4岁的婴幼儿进行亲水练习及游泳初级阶梯课程的学习。从建立兴趣开始,通过游戏,歌曲,幽默,赞美等技法。与自己的孩子搭建友好的互动氛围。遵循他的兴趣。在有序的节奏中一步一步的学习进展。 本书所授课程在伦敦,纽约,慕尼黑,墨尔本,新德里等风靡已久。

本书作者及出版社声明:Neither the authors nor the publisher can be held responsible for any damage or injury resulting from baby swimming.(无论是作者和出版商可以为婴儿游泳时产生的任何损害或伤害负责。)
     Who better to teach your baby to swim than the people he trusts the most? We believe
parents are a baby’s best teachers, on land and in the water, and have therefore adapted our
established swim-school program specifically for this book, so that we can pass on the wealth
of knowledge we have gained from our nurturing and stimulating child-friendly classes. Learn to
Swim is designed to help parents establish an optimal learning environment for children aged
six months to four years. Utilizing our combined 50 years of experience in teaching thousands
of babies and children to swim, we will guide you to successfully create a watery classroom
      full of positive reinforcement, color, music, stimulation, laughter, and motivation.Our  commonsense approach places your child at the center of the learning. He will learn anddevelop swimming skills through games, songs, humor, praise, and developmentally appropriate skill activities.You will follow a child-paced, step-by-step learning progression especially designed  for very young swimmers. And although this book is for parents who are teaching their own  children to swim, we hope swimming teachers will also find it useful and integrate our gentle   approach to baby swimming into their programs.
     Learning is a process, not a product‚Äîit should occur at the child‚Äôs pace, when he is open,
receptive, relaxed, and ready.We teach swimming—not thrashing—and that takes patience,
practice, and a great deal of time, and when you give your child that time and patience, you lay
a foundation of mutual respect and trust that you can build on in other areas of your lives.
Teaching your child to swim in this supportive and caring way is not just about helping him to
learn water confidence and safety skills. It is also about developing a teaching style in relation
to the way your child learns, encouraging and supporting him rather than being demanding
and demeaning, and replacing the pressure to learn with the desire to learn.
     Celebrate each small step along the way, and remember that there is no need to rush or
force your child to perform as there will be periods of skill assimilation and learning plateaus.
Read your baby’s body language and assess his level of readiness to determine the course of
each lesson.We want your child to enjoy this experience from his very first trip to the pool, in
the hope that he will continue to enjoy swimming for a lifetime. As you play with your baby
in the pool, you are not only teaching movement through the water, but fostering exploration,
curiosity, trust, joy, wonder, risk-taking, confidence, grace, and endurance.

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游泳科学:优化水中运动表现的技术、体能、营养和康复指导 是全面展现游泳运动科学知识与运动表现提升的专业指导书。全书从游泳运动的发展历程、科研发现、装备与技术革新,以及这项运动所涉及的运动员生理、心理和技术层面的理论与实践讲起,通过科学图表与数据分析,将优化游泳运动表现的重要方面——技术、体能、营养和康复进行了细致地讲解。书中还重点介绍了游泳训练的方法,包括泳池训练和陆上训练两部分,旨在帮助游泳教练、运动员及爱好者形成标准化的训练体系,有效提升游泳运动表现。
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