[高阶泳者] 有效的自由泳练习方式附中文版视频 (高阶复习篇)

抬抬脚 发表于 2015-8-3 23:45:20
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有效的自由泳练习方式附中文版视频 (高阶复习篇)


 楼主| 抬抬脚 发表于 2015-8-3 23:50:30
When swimmers begin the quest to discover the most efficient freestyle, they often think that Step 1 is to achieve a super-low stroke count. But a lower stroke count doesn't automatically produce a more efficient stroke.
When it comes to stroke count, every swimmer will reach a point of diminishing returns. When the goal is the lowest number of strokes, what generally falls by the wayside are flow and rhythm. It's our goal over the next few weeks to free you from the confines of becoming a robot with pauses in your stroke, and allow you to swim with true efficiency in the pursuit of the ultimate goal in the sport: efficiency with speed.
Why Do It:
Learning to focus on a complete picture to judge efficiency will allow you to really learn a great freestyle, not just part of the picture.
How to Do It:
1. Start swimming freestyle at a relaxed speed and count the number of strokes you take. Count each time your hand enters the water out front as a "hit" or a "count." On this particular length the swimmer has a stroke count of 13 in a 25-meter pool.

2. Once you have a "count" or number you feel comfortable with, try to take one or two fewer strokes. To do this, slow down your stroke rate just a bit, and focus more on your extension and balance so you can glide a bit better between each stroke. Remember, this is a drill, not swimming. This length is a stroke count of 11.
3. To experiment with your balance and extension, stop swimming, and hold each extension for a couple seconds. While this is a good drill, please don't mistake this for swimming. Too much time spent focusing on this drill can leave you with pauses in your stroke that are difficult to undo. This length is a stroke count of 9.
4. Now take your count back up to a comfortable, flowing level, and begin to experiment with using just a bit of your legs. Don't over-kick, but allow your legs to be involved in the process. Don't let them be a reaction to your stroke; allow them to be a rhythmic part of the process. This length is a stroke count of 12 with a comfortable kick.
5. Finally, NO efficiency test is accurate with only a 25. If you're unable to hold your stroke count for more than a 25, or even a 50, you're not at your correct stroke count. A 50 is the minimum, and the REAL goal is to achieve a comfortable count that you can hold for 500, 1000, or 5000 meters.
How to Do It Really Well (the Fine Points):
Incorporate sets that require you to use a stroke count that feels too high when doing 25s, and a bit more challenging when reaching 100s or farther. Make all your push-offs consistent so you know your stroke variations are based on STROKE VARIATION rather than a better push-off.
Next week we incorporate speed and time into the equation.
 楼主| 抬抬脚 发表于 2015-8-3 23:58:58
Swimming - Freestyle - Discovering Efficiency Step
https://www.xmswim.com/forum.php? ... 39227&fromuid=1
灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2015-8-4 00:21:44
zzr219400 发表于 2015-8-4 10:40:27
 楼主| 抬抬脚 发表于 2015-8-4 22:11:13
 楼主| 抬抬脚 发表于 2015-8-4 22:23:07
Swimming - Freestyle - Discovering Efficiency Step 2
In Step 1 of our series on discovering efficiency, we counted strokes.  In Step 2, we'll add a simple focus point... speed.  
When you've had a chance to experiment with your stroke count, and you've discovered a count that lets you swim comfortably for 50s, or 100s, or 1000s, then it's time to add time to your equation.  You want to see how fast can you swim at that given stroke rate.
Why Do It:
Learning to swim faster without adding strokes will teach you how to get more out of each stroke.  It will also clean up your walls, extend your breathing, activate your kick, and teach you a lot about your stroke count as well.
How to Do It:
1.  This drill is generally accomplished in a "set".  The set we'll use is 4 rounds of 4 x 50 meters.  You must use the exact same stroke count through the entire set, but each 50 in each series of 4 MUST get faster.  We used a stroke count of 13 strokes on the way down, and 14 strokes on the way back.
2. One the first 50, take it easy and make your stroke count.  Get your time and take the prescribed amount of rest.  This 50 was 35 seconds.
3.  One the second 50, push off with a bit more integrity, and try to grab just a bit more water with each pull.  You can also start to use the kick just a bit more, but remember... use the same number of strokes.  This 50 was :34.
4.  One the third 50, everything gets more intense.  Pull with more force, kick with more intensity, but make sure you're doing your best to keep your stroke count exactly the same and to reach full extension on each stroke.  This 50 was :31.
5. One the forth 50, swim as fast as you can without adding any strokes.  Because you're working for ultimate speed on this, you may want to add a dolphin kick to maintain speed off the wall, but don't cheat by adding too many.  You'll find it's tough enough to go very fast without adding strokes, and if you're not great at dolphin kicks, staying under too long will make it even more difficult to descend your time.
How to Do It Really Well (the Fine Points)At the end of the 4th 50, allow your time to go back up to the original time, and start the set of 4 x 50s all over again.  By the time you get through all 4 sets, if done correctly, you'll not only know more about your freestyle, but also be a bit tired.
You may even notice that when you're adding a stronger pushoff, a stronger pull, and a stronger kick, that your stroke rate may try to go DOWN as your velocity increases.  Again, try to maintain the exact stroke count.  You may also find that if you try to go too fast, your body will want to add a stroke.  Try to avoid this at all costs.
Next week, we add heart rate to the equation.

 楼主| 抬抬脚 发表于 2015-8-4 22:25:34
凯恩斯 发表于 2015-8-4 22:28:06
sana 发表于 2015-8-12 23:26:12
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