iswim 发表于 2017-12-28 21:19:51
27067 63
freestyle - JOAO PAUSE FLIPS 010417_Joao_Pause_Thumb_HDR.jpg
In the #4 spot for the year is Joao de Lucca. You liked many of his videos, so we picked a favorite around here: Flip Turns with a Pause.
Great flip turns aren't just about the turn, but also about a solid, direct push off.
Why do it:
How you leave the wall will have direct impact on how fast you'll be swimming. Positioning your legs and body correctly will help you use all your power more effectively.
How to do it:
1 - Swim in like a normal flip turn.
2 - When your feet hit the wall, STOP and hold.
3 - Make sure you're body is in the position you want it in to push off.
4 - Once you've determined you're in the right position, push off into swimming.
How to do it really well (the fine points):
Joao flips DIRECTLY over on his turn, laying flat on his back. Once he knows he's planted his feet properly, he drives and rotates over for his dolphins and breakout.
He is extremely precise in all of his swimming, including this drill. Amazing swimmer!

 楼主| iswim 发表于 2017-12-28 21:30:29
FLIP TURN - STEP 6 - TRANSFER TO FLUTTER KICK 30_transfer_to_flutter_HDR.jpg
The transition from dolphin kick to flutter kick should be seamless.

Make sure you're not relaxing during this transition, but smoothly moving from one kick into the other.

Don't allow the slim chance that you'd lose momentum or slow down while you're thinking of switching from one kick to the next.
 楼主| iswim 发表于 2017-12-28 21:29:01
Joao shows how he keeps his head tucked as he approaches the wall.

Don't lift your head, or look at the wall as you approach.
 楼主| iswim 发表于 2017-12-28 21:29:18
FLIP TURN - STEP 2 - THE HANDS 26_turn_over_palms_HDR (1).jpg
Using the hands to help swimmers improve their flip turns is important IF you don't carry the momentum, speed, and understand how important the APPROACH is in setting up a proper turn.

This will also take into consideration the next two lessons, kicking through the turn AND the tight tuck.
 楼主| iswim 发表于 2017-12-28 21:29:35
FLIP TURN - STEP 3 - TIGHT TUCK 27_tight_tuck__HDR.jpg
We've all heard about "getting the body in a small ball", to help the spin in the flip turn happen faster.

Here is an excellent example of what it really is supposed to look like.
 楼主| iswim 发表于 2017-12-28 21:29:54
FLIP TURN - STEP 4 - KICK THROUGH THE TURN 28_kick_through_the_turn_HDR.jpg
Don't wait for the wall to come to you, and don't focus on a BIG DOLPHIN KICK to help get you over the top on your turn.

Keep your momentum going, and don't allow any opportunity for slowing into the wall. Keep the kick going until the body starts to tuck as in the approach.
 楼主| iswim 发表于 2017-12-28 21:30:10
FLIP TURN - STEP 5 - INITIATE THE DOLPHIN 29_initiate_the_dolphin_HDR.jpg
WHEN you start your dolphin kick will depend on many factors:
- length of race
- your ability in underwater dolphins
- your fitness level
- the experimentation with your coach to determine how fast you get to a specific spot... and which combination of glide and dolphin kicks get you there the quickest.
 楼主| iswim 发表于 2017-12-28 21:30:55
The final step of a great turn is the transition to swimming.

Keeping the head in line, and making sure the body doesn't pop out and then crash down on the water.

Keep everything moving FORWARD!
可盈 发表于 2017-12-29 11:13:30
小编阿达 发表于 2017-12-29 17:56:03
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