iswim 发表于 2018-4-6 21:45:23
20973 50
  • It doesn’t matter whether you use a 2-beat, 4-beat, 6-beat, or even a crossover kick (like I’m using here). The one constant is that you should kick from your hip flexors -- the muscles at the TOP of your legs -- and not from your knees.
  • When I kick, I try to use a whole-leg motion and I try to rotate my hips as I swim.
  • When I’m swimming at aerobic pace, I use a crossover kick. It’s not a typical kick, and I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it, but it works for me because it helps keep my hips up and helps me rotate my hips.
  • Here’s another angle where you can see the crossover kick -- my feet cross over with each stroke. I use this kick when I’m in drafting mode and when I need to maintain proper body position.

When I switch gears and go into anaerobic and threshold swimming, my feet go to a normal 6-beat kick, which means that I take three kicks for every armstroke.
I train both the crossover and the 6-beat kick in practice. But I make sure that every time I’m swimming at threshold pace or above, I’m using a 6-beat kick. This is how I train for having good closing speed at the end of a race or when I’m trying to break away or respond to a breakaway.
In this last clip, I’ll start with a crossover kick and switch to a 6-beat kick in the middle of the length. This is a great drill to help build your kick and to help you learn to switch gears in the middle of a race. Start with whatever kick you use for aerobic swimming, and then switch to a 6-beat kick at the end of the length.
One more word about the kick is: Don’t give up. Lots of swimmers get discouraged when they can’t kick fast on a board.
Stretching your hip flexors might help, and here’s an example of one exercise you could try.
Try kicking from the hip flexors -- from the top of the leg. And use the whole leg instead of kicking just from the knee.

dolphin_2 发表于 2018-4-10 09:09:00
朵儿 发表于 2018-4-18 17:34:17
小游 发表于 2018-4-29 21:56:56
呜咪 发表于 2018-5-2 15:08:48
lqhai 发表于 2018-5-24 17:45:35
聒噪的乌龟 发表于 2018-6-13 15:56:17
linshen 发表于 2018-6-21 15:22:46
0 发表于 2018-7-7 18:17:56
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Will 发表于 2018-7-11 11:39:59
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