楼主: 灰熊喱嗨

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 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-9-1 18:32:16
if you address Balance first, then Streamlining, then Propulsion, you minimize the potential for frustration or confusion and maximize the potential for clarity and success.

 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-9-1 18:32:29
Though the brain makes up just 2 percent of the body’s weight, it consumes 20 percent of
its energy. While moving on land some 50 percent of the brain’s energy consumption goes
to managing balance. But when the brain senses imbalance (and particularly when it thinks
you’re sinking) over 90 percent of its energy is consumed with trying to fix that.

 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-9-1 18:32:40
To learn even the simplest skill, the brain must sense that the body is supported and stable.

 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-9-1 18:32:52
Breathing in crawl is the most exacting skill in all of swimming, with countless opportunities for error or inefficiency

 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-9-1 18:33:05
Never turn on a muscle unnecessarily. Never move a muscle without a clear benefit. Identifying unnecessary or counterproductive muscle tension should be one of your prime strategies for improving your endurance.

 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-9-1 18:33:18
rotation is intiated by gravity and an intentional weight shift. "fall" into the water led by the swing arm. The kick is intiated with this same moment

 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-9-1 18:33:36
let's say 'walking pace' equals a HR of 100 bpm. At that HR, I could easily swim 2:00/100m.


 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-9-1 18:33:50
Reducing SPL at the same Tempo is one of the most exacting of all skills. I do it from time to time but it's not easy, even for me. I don't do it by pulling harder. Rather I do it by increasing the whole-body power I apply to each stroke. And I do that with exceeding care.

 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-9-1 18:34:03
When your extended arm is slightly outside your shoulder line your shoulder range of motion is considerably greater than when it's near the centerline.

 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-9-1 18:34:28
Move into stramline


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