iswim 发表于 2017-12-30 22:32:52
20115 49
If you want to have a catch like Kara Lynn Joyce, start with a lesson from Go Swim freestyle Basics with Steve Haufler. Steve appears at #2 (and #7) on our most-watched list for 2017. Today he shows how to correct a dropped elbow pull.

Advanced Freestyle Swim Lesson #6: Correcting a Dropped-Elbow Pull
Ideally, swimmers initiate their catch and pull with a high elbow and an Early Vertical Forearm. They continue to maintain a high elbow throughout the pull. It looks like this.
When a swimmer drops their elbow at the beginning of the pull, it’s almost always the result of the swimmer losing hand contact… or feel…or “connection” with the water.
To achieve an effective pull, the hands and forearms must start to put a controlled pressure on the water to initiate the catch soon after the hand enters the water.
The first drill to correct a dropped elbow on entry is the Stationary Scooter Drill. She watches her hand entry and extension…and immediately puts controlled pressure on the water with her hand and forearm.
It’s important that her hand enters the water fingertips first, with a slight flex of the wrist and with the elbow still up.
It’s important that she extends her arm at a slight angle downward so that she keeps the elbow higher than the hand before initiating the pull. She pulls with the elbow always near the surface of the water.
The next drill is the In-Water Scooter Drill, using the same focus points. Hand enters fingertip first with elbow up. Hand extends with a slight downward angle. Initiate the catch and pull with controlled pressure on the hand and forearm. Elbow is always near the surface.
The last drill for correcting a dropped elbow is the Eyes-High, Look-and-See Drill. The swimmer should be able to see both arms extend forward, one arm at a time, at a slight downward angle before pulling.
She keeps an eye on the elbow, and should see the elbow pop up slightly as the hand and forearm put pressure on the water.
As she pulls back, she needs to feel constant pressure on her hands and arms.

jkceakaa 发表于 2018-1-9 22:35:53
猪鼓励蛋 发表于 2018-1-1 08:35:46
芥末 发表于 2018-1-9 20:02:10
Will 发表于 2018-3-9 11:24:25
路易 发表于 2018-3-17 15:10:50
唐泳 发表于 2018-3-24 17:37:26
jessicahong 发表于 2018-3-28 20:21:32
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五儿 发表于 2018-5-8 14:32:53
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