iswim 发表于 2022-1-16 21:37:46
18238 71
So, you know, you and I had a conversation. The last time you were up here, really about the shoulder extension and how how we focus so much on getting that really, really long line in front. Yeah, when I watch you swim, you don't do any of that. And you you talk to me about that last. The last time you hear about why you don't and or Candy. Your thoughts on that. So to hear that.
Yes. One of the things that we see a lot of freestyle is a lot of the extension. And now while I people think this is great because beginning more catch, more water, more distance, less strokes, being more efficient.
The power that we generate by getting the shoulder rotating forward is not as much as if we set it back using our bigger muscles, using the LAT to call on the on the water. Again, we may extend our shoulder naturally, but extend forward and up, which puts us in this position here, which only allows the pressure on the water to be put pulled down, pulling us up in sprinting.
We don't have the time for that. And I'm sure as everything is continuing, the hundreds and hundreds become a controlled sprint. We want to get into this position as quickly as we can, which is going to be the driving force forward. If your shoulders extended to out, it's a lot of pressure on one specific muscle. Once we lock that in Alaska, a lot more stability getting into that power position.
I'd like to mimic a pull up as much as we can if you're to pull up with your shoulders always extended. It's a lot harder if you have the shoulder blades rolled back in machine. Let's run from there. Lot easier to do a pull up.
So overextending, although feels like you're getting further, catching more water. You're not utilizing the bigger muscle groups out in the front in the stroke.

南追 发表于 2022-1-16 22:18:00
phillipz 发表于 2022-1-16 22:30:12
jason 发表于 2022-1-16 22:30:13
五儿 发表于 2022-1-16 23:18:59
蒝創苚戶 发表于 2022-1-17 08:25:02
呜咪 发表于 2022-1-17 08:29:39
0 发表于 2022-1-17 09:09:17
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