游泳视频: Breaststroke Pullout Fine Tuning蛙泳水下拉起动作练习

swim 发表于 2010-4-6 02:04:03
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 楼主| swim 发表于 2010-4-6 02:04:18
Breaststroke - Pullout Fine Tuning
Posted by Barbara Hummel on Mar 21, 2008 0905AM
试译:Dvyang, on May 6, 2008
Breaststroke pullouts can be tough to work on because you do only one per length...and you are often running short on air when you do them. Here's a way to practice your pulldown and recovery several times on every length...while getting all the air you need.

你可以做到世界上最好的水下划水(pulldown)和海豚打水,但是如果你抬头换气时你会在瞬间失去所 有的能 力和势123头。在这个练习中,使用换气管是你远离抬头换气的诱111惑,让您在水下保持稳定身体位置,做孤立的重复的水下划水(pulldown)动作

Why Do It
You can have the best pulldown and dolphin kick in the world, but you can lose all your power and momentum IN AN INSTANT...if you LOOK UP on the breakout. In this drill, the use of the FInis Swimmer's Snorkel takes away the temptation of lifting the head, and lets you isolate the pulldown and the recovery while focusing on a stable body position

How to Do It
1. Grab a pull buoy and your Finis Swimmer's Snorkel.
2. Push off in streamline and let your body rise to the surface. You want to be balanced front to back before you start your first pulldown.
3. Execute your normal pulldown, but skip the dolphin kick. Remember, we're focusing on just the motion of the arms, not on the entire pullout.

4. As you recover the hands, keep them close to your body, and stay COMPACT with your arms.
5. As the hands come under your chest and face, keep your eyes down and keep your head and shoulders stable and flat. Don't hunch up with your shoulders. And don't lift your head to look forward.
  当你的双手从你的胸和面部下前伸时, 头部和肩膀要保持平稳。不要拱起你的肩膀,不要抬头向前看。
6. Return the hands to full extension, with thumbs touching. Check your body position to make sure your hands are higher than your head and then...when your body is stable and aligned...start your next pulldown.
  当双手完全伸展,手指相碰。检查你的身体位置,确认你的双手高于你的头,你的身体稳定并呈一直线 .... ... 再开始你下一次水下划水。

7. Do several 25s, focusing on staying compact and stable as you recover your hands and arms.
  这样做的几个25米来回(25s) ,侧重于感觉当你收回你的手臂时的紧张和平稳。
8. Then take off your equipment and swim four 25s of breaststroke with your normal pulldown and breakout. Try to capture the same stable feeling as your hands pass under your face and into full extension for your first stroke.

How to Do It Really Well (the Fine Points)
This drill is all about staying stable and aligned as your hands pass under your body and back into streamline. Try to keep your head and torso right at the surface, with very little up-and-down-motion.
This drill will imprint the proper head and eye position for your breakout, so that your body can remember it when you go swim.
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