[水上安全] 加拿大红十字 十级游泳计划学习培训活动 资料下载

iswim 发表于 2011-11-9 14:59:24
16229 9

加拿大的游泳运动由加拿大游泳协会统管,下辖各省游泳协会,省游泳协会统管本省的各俱乐部。所以游泳运动员必须在所在地游泳协会注册才有资格参加正式的比赛。游泳协会的开销由运动员注册费,俱乐部交费,组织官方比赛等形式负担,(没有国家拨款和企业赞助)加拿大全国大约有300个左右的俱乐部,每个俱乐部大约平均100人左右。俱乐部多是由家长自发组织起来在聘请教练,有家长担任主席,财务,器材,注册,新闻(网站) 外联。。。都有家长志愿者担任, 当然也有私人办的俱乐部,但收费较高。
泳池都是和当地社区租的,主要是青少年,一般是六岁开始到十八岁,(成人也有俱乐部) 入队的标准是,二十五米池能自己游到头(任何泳姿)孩子一级一级的往上升,最开始参加俱乐部的计时赛,俱乐部之间的交流赛,地区赛,省级赛,全国赛,国际赛,直到奥林匹克资格赛。
俱乐部是非盈利组织,基本不存在挣钱的问题,到年底有剩余款也要买设备或奖品花掉。 每个孩子大约每月要交200-300加元的费用。

加拿大的游泳的孩子都是一边上学一边游泳, 加拿大大多数的孩子打冰球,所以游泳的孩子男孩较少,女孩多。


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 楼主| iswim 发表于 2011-11-9 15:00:11
本帖最后由 iswim 于 2011-11-9 15:00 编辑

Jump right in!十级计划下载参考

  • A 10-level program fits with today’s swimmers; kids can get through all levels and feel proud of their achievement.
  • Swimming and water safety skills are taught in the water so kids are always active and wet – this approach promotes success and encourages lifelong fitness.
  • A focus on individual achievement creates a cycle of success that is geared to kids.
Parent newsletters with detailed information about each level of the program. Includes content, evaluation, tips and next steps:
 楼主| iswim 发表于 2011-11-9 15:00:55
Let's make a splash! 学龄前教育
  • A fun eight-level preschool program with flexible entry and exit points – children enter levels based on age and then progress based on either age or ability.
  • Colourful, fun mascots that are used on stickers and progress booklets were created specifically for preschoolers.
  • Eight levels increase opportunity for parents and their children to take swimming and water safety lessons at an earlier age – babies as young as four months old may be enrolled.  Older preschoolers learn in small groups with qualified instructors.

Parent newsletters with detailed information about each level of the program. Includes content, evaluation, tips and next steps:
 楼主| iswim 发表于 2011-11-9 15:01:24
Learning that keeps kids afloat!学校教育
Swim@School is a fun, participation-based program teaching swimming skills and water safety to school-aged children.

Overview of Red Cross Swim@School program: Red Cross Swim@School (PDF, 125kb)
 楼主| iswim 发表于 2011-11-9 15:02:59
Red Cross Swim for Adults & Teens

To meet the needs of adults and teens learning to swim, improving their fitness or staying active in the water, the Red Cross has designed three programs that: teach swimming (Red Cross Swim Basics), develop or improve strokes (Red Cross Swim Strokes), and sample a variety of aquatic activities (Red Cross Swim Sports). The programs can be customized to meet swimmer’s individual goals and rate of progress. The personalized approach for stroke development is suitable to teen and adult learning styles.

 楼主| iswim 发表于 2011-11-9 15:03:58
Instructor Development ProgramThe Canadian Red Cross has a long history of developing well-trained professional instructors who love swimming as much as they love to help others learn.
Anyone age 15 or older can start with the Assistant Water Safety Instructor course. Through course training and practical hands-on experience they develop their skills. The Water Safety Instructor program polishes these  skills and provides additional tools to gain employment in aquatics as a Red Cross Water Safety Instructor.
The Red Cross program provides ideal training for those interested in teaching and any leadership roles. See where the Red Cross Water Safety Instructor program can take you.
Water Safety Instructor Age Requirement
The Canadian Red Cross is pleased to announce an exciting change to the age requirement for our Water Safety Instructor course. Effective immediately, the prerequisite age for the Water Safety Instructor course is now 15 years of age.
This is a change from our previous age requirement of 16 years and allows us to better meet the needs of our Training Partners by reducing the wait time between the AWSI and WSI courses. Water Safety Instructor candidates can complete certification prerequisites for employment at an earlier age.
Please consult your provincial legislation for more detailed information on hiring Water Safety Instructors as the age requirements vary.
NCCP Swimming Teacher Certification
We would like to advise our Water Safety Instructors (WSIs) of an exciting new initiative. The Canadian Red Cross, Swimming Canada and the Coaching Association of Canada have completed an agreement to offer an accelerated training track to become a swimming coach. If you are a current Red Cross WSI, you can follow the steps outlined in the process to earn your National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Swimming Teacher certification.
The NCCP Swimming Teacher certification is the minimum certification standard for coaches working for community swim clubs. The Red Cross is proud to be the first training organization to earn recognition for this program and to offer our instructors enhanced employment opportunities within the aquatics community.
For additional information, current Red Cross WSIs should refer to the following website: http://www.nccpswimming.org/swimming-teacher. The document titled Red Cross Water Safety Instructor - NCCP Swimming Teacher Certification found on this site provides detailed information on the process for Red Cross WSIs to obtain their NCCP Swimming Teacher certification.
Red Cross Assistant Water Safety Instructor
15 years and older
  • In this prerequisite for the Red Cross Water Safety Instructor course, candidates learn foundation instructional skills including teaching methods, learning styles, physical principles, progressions, communication, safety supervision and feedback. Course is 30 hours with 8 hours of practice teaching
Red Cross Water Safety Instructor
15 years and older
  • Instructor candidates focus on how to apply information from the Assistant Water Safety Instructor course and develop additional instructional skills, stroke development, drills and corrective strategies to plan, teach and evaluate the entire Red Cross Swim continuum. Course is 25 hours with 12 hours of practice teaching.
Red Cross First Aid & CPR Instructor
18 years and older
  • Older teens looking to further their teaching and leadership skills can consider our First Aid & CPR Instructor programs. Red Cross First Aid & CPR Instructors can work for Red Cross training partners or start their own business. Contact us to find out more!
Fact Sheet: Water Safety Instructor Course (PDF, 704k)
 楼主| iswim 发表于 2011-11-9 15:04:14
本帖最后由 iswim 于 2011-11-9 15:04 编辑

Parents' CornerWelcome to the Red Cross Swim Parents’ Corner! On this page you will find resources and information for parents and caregivers.
Program comparison:
 楼主| iswim 发表于 2011-11-9 15:05:30
History of Red Cross Swimming & Water SafetyBased on years of research into why people drown, the Canadian Red Cross has developed a comprehensive program to educate and train Canadians in water safety. The programs of Red Cross Water Safety Services include swimming and water safety lessons for infants, toddlers, children, teens and adults; training program for Instructors and Instructor Trainers; training materials for Pleasure Craft Operator Competency cards; and promotional safety campaigns targeted at high risk populations. Prevention is a critical focus and participants are taught to Prepare! Stay Safe! and Survive!
The Canadian Red Cross delivers its water safety programs through a network of almost 3,800 pool and waterfront Authorized Providers and partners. Each year, more than 1,000,000 Canadians enroll in Red Cross swimming and water safety programs and 21,000 are trained and certified as Instructors and Instructor Trainers. Millions more are reached through safety campaigns that encourage everything from toddler supervision and wearing a lifejacket, to backyard pool safety checks, and boating and ice safety.
The Red Cross offers Canada's largest and most recognized swimming and water safety program. Former water safety program participants and instructors can be found in all areas of the Canadian Red Cross - as active participants, volunteers and leaders helping the Society achieve its mission in their community, and at the provincial and national levels.
Swimming and Water SafetyPast, Present, Future

1946: Red Cross launches water safety program to address drownings in Canada.

1960: Water Safety leads a generation of swimmers through their lessons.  There was Pre-beginners, Beginners, Juniors...and more.
1981: The 8-level “Colours” program hits pools with a splash, focusing on progressive learning and continuous evaluation.
1996: 50 years of water safety instruction to Canadians!  AquaQuest launches nationally, trumpeting the slogan “Prepare! Stay Safe! Survive!”
2005: Red Cross Swim launches nationally, based on extensive market research.
2006: 60 years of Red Cross water safety!

灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2011-11-24 22:12:22
厦门游泳社区 不走平凡路
baobao_mylove 发表于 2012-5-9 17:39:42
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游泳科学:优化水中运动表现的技术、体能、营养和康复指导 是全面展现游泳运动科学知识与运动表现提升的专业指导书。全书从游泳运动的发展历程、科研发现、装备与技术革新,以及这项运动所涉及的运动员生理、心理和技术层面的理论与实践讲起,通过科学图表与数据分析,将优化游泳运动表现的重要方面——技术、体能、营养和康复进行了细致地讲解。书中还重点介绍了游泳训练的方法,包括泳池训练和陆上训练两部分,旨在帮助游泳教练、运动员及爱好者形成标准化的训练体系,有效提升游泳运动表现。
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