[水上安全] 新加坡SSPA成人游泳协会

凯恩斯 发表于 2017-12-25 00:51:12
20224 0

Singapore Swimming Proficiency Awards (SSPA) is launches by Singapore Swimming Association to promote swimming proficiency and to allow progression for students having swimming lessons under Aqua Ace Swim School. All strokes are to be swum in compliance with FINA rules for competitive swimming.
  • To provide progression for swimming after SwimSafer
  • To raise the level of swimming proficiency of students and the general public
  • To increase the level of technical expertise among our swimming coaches
  • To provide a talent pool for the next generation of Singapore competitive swimmers
Level Requirement

SSPA test setting is exactly how it is seen in any swimming competition layout, (eg. FINA, Inter-School competition). An eye opening experiences for students who have never once attend in such an events. This would create and giving them even more experiences before they do ever participant in future swimming competitions.

Swimmers will need to clock their personal best speed/timing during the race of their event. In order to achieve the award, they have to swim to meet the stated timing.

For example, in the event of 50m Front Crawl, swimmers need to meet the time below 1 minute 5 seconds to succeed.

A total of 20 certificates and badges can be attained if the swimmer completes all the levels. The swimmer may wish to challenge himself or herself by attempting any particular level of swim test.

After completion of level 1, 2 or 3, the swimmer has an option to purchase a rainbow certificate and badge.

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