iswim 发表于 2018-3-29 09:50:29
22187 54
Today we begin to link your on-the-surface dolphin skills to your underwater dolphins. Of course, teaching guru Steve Haufler has a progression for making the transition.
Underwater Dolphin Teaching Progression
Step #3
Underwater Dolphin Kick on the Back
If your swimmer can dolphin kick on their front and be comfortable upside down under water they’re ready for the next step.
To teach underwater dolphin on the back I use a 5-part teaching progression.
I have found that kids learn best when they simply try to imitate this skill combined with the coach-assisted positioning techniques. When I stabilize the head and arms and guide the body movement, she can get a good feel for the proper alignment and motion.
So, step #1 is to have the swimmers watch a video of underwater back dolphin.
I use my goswim.tv subscription and we watch Margaret Hoelzer do an underwater dolphin. I don’t say much. I just want them to watch.
It looks fun, it looks like a dolphin, it looks fast, and the kids are excited to try it.
Step #2 is to take them straight to the water with fins on and let them have some fun.
We practice vertical dolphin, with the hands by the side and in streamline.
Then we try rocket launchers.
Then we go horizontal. I like to get them started like this. Notice how I stabilize the head and shoulders and guide them gently through the movement.
For step #3, we take off the fins and practice ready position streamline push-offs and 3 underwater dolphins.
Swimmers should press slightly up with the head and shoulders and forward with the hands during the upbeat of the kick.
Then swimmers should press the arms slightly downward during the downbeat of the kick. This helps the body to stay level.
Step #4 is full lengths with fins. I have the swimmers go under water as far as they feel they can hold their form and breath, then surface and continue the dolphin. I have them try nose plugs.
Step #5 is to take off the fins again and go full lengths…partially under water and the rest on the surface. It is important to continuing to dolphin on the surface, too, so that the swimmer, even if she cannot stay under water for long, at least is getting multiple repetitions of back dolphin.

SSBBSS 发表于 2018-5-11 14:51:47
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