
烛影摇红 发表于 2006-5-21 10:28:37
12463 3
原文解说 (由seeeker听写记录):

I'm Sarah Price. I am the fastest female backstroke in the world. And I am here to help to give you some top tips on backstroke. I have broken the stroke into 3 areas: the legs, the arms, and the body action.

First your legs, try to make fast and continuous kicks. Keep your knees slightly bent, your toes should make small splash all the time. Try to keep your hips as close to the surface as possible without arising above the surface. My special tip is: try to kick from the hips not from your knees.

Now with your arms. Your arms should make a circular action. When your hand enters into the water, your arm should be as straight as possible. On the under water phase, you should try to copy the letter “S” shape. My special tip: when hand enters the water, try to catch the water as early as possible. By doing this you should be able to pull faster through the water.

Now on to your body. If you want to swim faster, you need to be as streamline as possible. To help with this, you can let your hips and shoulders roll slightly. Try to keep your head as still as possible. To help with this, you can try to lift your head slightly upwards. And my special tip for this is to try to get the shoulders to come out of the water on each of the stroke.

And so to recap: try to kick from the hips and not the knees; try to create “S” shape in the underwater phase, and finally let your hips and shoulders roll. And that is my guide to back-crawl, have fun.
译文: qudodo

我是Sarah Price,世界上最快的女子仰泳选手。我在这里将给你们一些关于仰泳方面的指导。我将把它分成3个部分来逐个讲解:腿,臂,身体动作。




啊哈 发表于 2006-5-21 20:10:50
水草蟒 发表于 2006-8-28 12:56:23
曙光初照优泳者 发表于 2016-2-2 10:57:54
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