[初阶泳者] 游泳如何获得平衡(Terry Laughlin博客资料翻译)【全浸系列之一】

灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-5-16 01:06:01
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Video: What makes a swimmer efficient?
Posted on November 23rd, 2010

If you want to really understand what happens in swimming, you can find no better source than the TI Discussion Forum. Here’s practical insight on the question Should taller swimmers take fewer strokes?

Alex asked: Why is it that tall people are supposed to take fewer strokes per pool length? I’m 190cm(6’3″). Why would that translate to, say, 2-3 strokes less than someone who is 160cm (5’6″)?
TI Coach Suzanne Atkinson replied: A height advantage multiplied by many strokes, adds up quickly. 30cm in your example x just 10 SPL = 300cm, or 2 full strokes. 30cm x 15 SPL = 450cm or 3 full strokes.
Richard Skerrett added: I believe the wingspan ( fingertip to fingertip) is also an important dimension as is the “ape factor” — the ratio between wingspan and height. Hand and foot size are also probably significant.
TI教练Suzanne Atkinson回答:身高的优势与划水次数相乘,积少成多。例如,你的身高优势30cm乘以10划,就是3米,或是2个完整的划距。如果是15划,优势就是4.5米,这是3个完整的划距。
Richard Skerrett补充道:我相信臂展(指尖到指尖的长度)也是一个重要的因素—臂展和身高之间的比例。手和脚的尺寸也是重要的因素。

Nevertheless, in the world of ordinary swimming, a short, slightly built swimmer who is more efficient will usually go faster than a long muscular one and in fewer strokes as well. At a recent meet a friend pointed out to me a female backstroker who was taking seven strokes to do 25m while warming up. I take about 30, so I was impressed. She was a lot faster as well.

Height is only one factor – and not the most significant – in influencing SPL. The more significant factor is skill. Among the components of skill, Balance will influence an individual ‘efficiency potential’ the most . . . Then Streamlining . . . Then Propulsive Effectiveness – which encompasses hand and foot size mentioned by Richard.

Because Balance is the single most important factor influencing SPL potential, how height is distributed must be part of the equation.
The best illustration is that TI Coach and CEO Shinji Takeuchi, at 170 cm (5’7″), can swim 25m in 9 strokes (see video below), while I, at 183cm(6’0″) am hard pressed to do it in fewer than 12 strokes. Our height differential alone would predict I should take two fewer strokes. So why do I take three more?
The reason is Height Distribution. Virtually all of our 13 cm height differential is below the hips. Since our torso’s are approximately the same length, but my legs are far longer, Shinji has a balance advantage that more than compensates for my height advantage when it comes to stroke efficiency.

Where my height does bring advantage is speed potential — in long-axis, but not short-axis, strokes. More height means lower drag as speed increases. This advantage increases markedly as we both get faster, since drag increases exponentially as speed goes up. In fact, I once heard a swim researcher say that the main reason age group swimmers improve is simply because they grow taller each year. At the time this came as a bit of a blow to my ego, as I was coaching adolescents at the time and flattered myself my superior coaching was the reason they got faster.

While watching Shinji in the video below, notice (a) how perfectly horizontal he is; (b) how small and easy his kick is; and (c) how unhurried his recovery is. All are marks of Balance.
To swim raise your efficiency toward Shinji’s level, do as he did: Practice the balance exercises from Lesson One of the Self-Coached Workshop DVD (or Lesson One of the Easy freestyle DVD).

 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-5-16 01:06:45
Skating: Key to a better Freestyle
by Terry Laughlin
Posted on December 1st, 2010
特里.拉克林 2010年12月1日

What do you see in this picture? If you answered “the Skating position” you’re right.

Skating with Hand Targets (X/Y Coordinates)滑行与“手靶”(X/Y坐标)

But it’s more than that. It’s also the lowest-drag position a human body can be in, other than the fully streamlined, arms-locked-overhead, underwater position in which we leave a wall on pushoff or after a dive.

What makes it so advantageous?

Full extension of the body (the span from my fingertips to my toes is nearly 50% longer than I am tall) reduces wave drag.
The horizontal body position – head, torso and legs all at the same level – reduces form drag.
The slight rotation of the body – exposing one shoulder – makes it far easier to “part the water” I’m passing through, than would be the case if my torso was flat.
That I’m not rotated too far — I. E. I’m off my stomach, but not on my side — improves my stability and reduces the amount of power (and time) it takes to rotate to the same position on the other side.
The slight downward angle of my leading arm causes my legs to ride higher – with only a light kick to maintain momentum. This not only reduces drag and turbulence. It saves lots of energy.

The main thing to understand about this position is that, unless you’re Michael Phelps or some other elite swimmer, there’s nothing natural or instinctive about the position, or any of the bullet points I listed above.
Anyone can learn this position – and most of those who have now swim farther and faster with less effort. But we’ve never seen anyone do it without having a clear and specific intention to do so.
In other words, it takes mindfulness to learn, imprint – and then replicate on every one of the millions of freestyle strokes you may take over the balance of your swimming lifetime.
But the fact that it takes mindfulness is perhaps the best thing about learning to Skate - even better than the energy savings or improvements in speed. Because mindful practice is the key to experiencing Flow states in your swimming, and to optimizing the adult brain.

In my next few posts I’ll explain the connection between Skate position and virtually every desirable skill in freestyle.

If you’d like to learn or touch up your Skate position, it’s introduced in Drill 2.2 of the Self Coached Workshop.

Or you can learn it direct from a TI Coach in special 1-day Freestyle Made Easier classes
 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-5-16 01:07:16
Swim without a kick to improve balance

The thread Swimming with No Kick on the TI Discussion Forum discusses the various considerations and effects of swimming the crawl without kicking.
Swimmers all over the world do “pulling sets” on which they wear a buoy. This is different from “practicing freestyle without a kick.”
The purpose of the former is to Work Your Arms. The purpose of the latter is to Improve Balance by Activating Spinal Stabilizer muscles.
This distinction between two forms of practice that, on the surface, appear similar is typical of how TI Swimming is different from traditional swimming.

很多泳者带着浮漂做“pulling sets”练习(似应指双腿夹板或漂),这并非真正意义上的“不踢腿游”。
“pulling sets”练习的目的是为了锻炼你的双臂,“不踢腿游”的目的,是通过刺激背部“令脊柱稳定的肌肉群”来改善平衡。

I often practice swimming with a minimized kick. To do this I push off with my legs held in streamline. I then try to  keep them streamlined while stroking.
To push off with streamlined legs, I need a better sense of balance to smoothly transition from underwater to surface-stroking. The focus this requires helps my balance the rest of the pool length and allows me to minimize leg action. I check on this by noting how far apart are the toes on one foot from the toes on the other.
I can feel quite clearly that, in order to do this, I have to keep good tone in my deep abdominals. It’s good practice. And entirely different from a pulling set.


这是个很好的练习,且完全不同于“pulling set”。
 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-5-16 01:07:50
A Practice to Improve Balance, Streamline . . . and Focus
Posted on March 21st, 2011 A Practice to Improve Balance, Streamline . . . and Focus8.0101

On Saturday Mar 19 at the Multisport World Expo at MIT in Cambridge MA, we offered 75-minute classes in Endurance Skills. These focused on whole-stroke repeats with Focal Points designed to improve Balance and Streamline. During the final 20 minutes we used Tempo Trainers to consolidate the new thoughts and skills. Here’s a practice based on what we did at those classes. If you do this practice, please post any insights or improvements that result.

Total Immersion Mindful Swimming Practice

Mindful Swimming Practice has a dual purpose:
1) Train your body. Focus on an aspect of stroke improvement that allow you to sense and measure improvement with some ease. Repeat a narrowly focused technique enough times to leave an imprint on muscle memory.
2) Train your brain. Practice holding one specific thought. If you notice your thoughts have wandered, bring them back. At the end of each set evaluate how well you’ve maintained focus just as much as you evaluate how you’ve changed your stroke. Improving focus will have longer-lasting and more expansive benefits than improving your stroke.

Swim 50 yards. Count strokes.
Swim 6 x 25. Odd 25s with index-finger-only extended.  Even 25s with ‘normal’ hands.
Compare SPL (Strokes Per Length) one finger to normal hand.  Can you reduce the difference between them?
Swim 50 yards as before. Count strokes. Did 50-yd count change?

Balance/Relaxation Focus
Swim 4 to 8 x 25 with this focus:Hang Your Head
Feel head hanging – weightless – between shoulders. Focus only on keeping a sense of a weightless head and relaxed neck and shoulder muscles.

Swim 4 to 8 x 25 with this focus:Weightless Lazy Arm
Feel your arm float forward as if cushioned. How slowly can you extend? Notice if fingers are tense or relaxed. Look for ane eliminate bubbles.

Swim 3 to 5 x 50 [25 Hang your Head + 25 Weightless Lazy Arm]

Streamline/Swim Taller Focus
Swim 4 to 8 x 25 with this focus:Swim Slightly Taller
Reach a bit farther than usual – as for something barely beyond reach. Don’t strain, but aim to extend reach by a couple of millimeters or nanoseconds.

Swim 4 to 8 x 25 with this focus:Overlap
Slightly increase overlap between hands. Overlap enough that you notice it, but not so much that it feels out-of-rhythm.
Swim 3 to 5 x 50 [25 SwimTaller + 25 Overlap]

Combined Focus
Swim 3 to 5 x 50 [25 Combined Relax Focus + 25 Combined Taller Focus]

Tempo Trainer Pyramid
Swim 10 x 25. Reset TT after each: 1.3 – 1.4 – 1.5 – 1.6 – 1.55 – 1.50 – 1.45 – 1.40 – 1.35 – 1.30
Choose any focus from those above to maintain for the entire set.
The goal of this set is to improve efficiency (reduce SPL) as tempo slows, then be very ‘stingy’ about giving back the strokes you saved, as tempo increases again. As tempo slows, you’ll notice extra time in the stroke. Use this time to extend a bit further (as in Swim Taller focus) and be more patient about beginning the stroke.
Take Note of: (1) SPL at start of set; (2) how many strokes you ‘save’ as tempo slows from 1.3 to 1.6; (3) SPL at finish of set; (4) at which tempo you feel most comfortable.

SPL Maintenance Set (without TT)
Swim 4 x 25 + 3 x 50 + 2 x 75 + 1 x 100.
Goal is to maintain SPL within two strokes of best count from TT Pyramid, as repeat distance increases.













教皇国主 发表于 2012-6-7 10:11:59
xjt227 发表于 2012-6-16 12:52:04
xjt227 发表于 2012-6-16 12:52:26
蓝色月光 发表于 2012-6-16 20:05:21
sunneven 发表于 2012-9-25 18:40:12
hanabaichuan 发表于 2013-6-27 18:25:10
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