[高清视频] 转身收下巴-Goswim

iswim 发表于 2012-9-22 21:06:52
13854 5
Turns - Knee Your Chin!
Swimming fast isn't just about a great pushoff and streamline

Why Do It:
How quickly you get through the turn has as much to do with fast times, as fast swimming does.  In practice, swimmers can relax a bit too much, open up their bodies, look back, and simply take too much time by being sloppy.
How to Do It:
This works for all turns.  Each of these swimmers has a bit too much gap between their chest and thighs during the turn.  The goal of this quick drill is to get their bodies tighter.
2. Have the swimmer stretch out on the wall, hands on the edge and feet near the surface.
3. Just as Dave Denniston demonstrates in his turns video, and as Steve Haufler demonstrats in his turns video, have the swimmer TUCK the knees up and try to get them all the way to the chin.  
4. Practice this both stationary, and with a pushoff.
How to Do It Really Well (the Fine Points):
While drills are great, doing this really well means doing it consistently.  You don't have to do this fast to accomplish it, but you do have to be very focused on staying tight, and keeping the chin tucked through all your turns.  In just 5 minutes, you can see the difference in these swimmers when simply asked to focus on this point

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Snowland01 发表于 2012-9-24 12:44:40
本帖最后由 Snowland01 于 2012-9-24 23:57 编辑



1.        这对于所有转身都有效。视频中每一个泳者在转身时胸和大腿的间隙都太大了。此练习的目的是让他们的身体团得更紧。
2.        让这些泳者靠着池壁展开身体,手挨池壁,脚接近水面。
3.        如Dave Dennistion和Steve Haulfer在转身视频里所示,让泳者把膝盖收拢尽量接近下巴。
4.        平稳地做此练习,并带一次推壁。


8822983 发表于 2012-9-27 16:20:39
angkormagic 发表于 2012-10-2 23:28:42
let me check it out~
小一乐 发表于 2012-10-2 23:41:49
风的一滴眼泪 发表于 2014-12-29 15:37:51
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