[视频] 成就游泳冠军-青少年自由泳技巧练习 辅助练习-5 Demo

iswim 发表于 2012-10-11 00:53:25
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成就游泳冠军-青少年自由泳技巧练习 辅助练习-5 Demo


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Snowland01 发表于 2012-10-11 12:13:19
本帖最后由 Snowland01 于 2012-10-11 12:29 编辑

I want you to give me arm lead balance drill traveling on your side and when I say “rotate” I want you to set your back and vault by the anchor. Are you ready? Right arm lead. Ready……Travel! Rotate, rotate! Hold up. For championship freestyle I must state you must avoid, and may swimmers in this country do this, as soon as the elbow starts up on the recovery side of the body, they start pulling with the lead arm. So half way through the stroke they have a short body. Now, you wanna run that line as long as you can and circle this elbow up and then vault. Why? You’re much stronger on your anchor if you have the weight of the top side of your body here over your anchor, right here.

我要你们做单臂引导侧卧游,当我说“转动”,我要你们锚定住然后(另一只手)越过锚定手。准备好了吗?右臂引导。准备……走!转动,转动,坚持住。对于冠军自由泳,我要说明一下你们一定要避免的是:尽管国内很多泳者都这么做, 当手肘刚在身体另一侧开始回臂动作,他们就把引导手往下划水了。因此在划程到一半的时候他们的身体变得很短,。而你们应该让划程尽量长,把手肘沿圆环行路线向上,接着越过(锚定手)。为什么呢?如果你们把身体高的一侧的重量都压过去,你们的锚住的手会坚固很多。

Now I am ready to rotate my hips down onto the balance line and take my body right by that anchor point. Alright, now run that line, be patient on your lead arm. Alright, let’s start arm lead please. Ready……Travel! Rotate! Yes, Rotate! Much better. Rotate! Patient, patient, rotate! Hold up. Hold up. Now , both of you were much better that time. You are much more patient on you lead arm. Let’s do it again and be even more patient. Run the line, run the line, run the line. Now when you feel the stretch on the top side of the body, because you’re circling your top arm forward, in the recovery phase of the stroke, now anchor and vault by. Anchor, takes your hips and rotates them down onto the balance line.


You’ve taken the power of the body from the hips and put them in your anchor. Alright here we go, coming this way. Right arm lead. Ready……Go! Rotate, rotate, rotate. Vivian started the arm a little early. Rotate, patient Vivian. Rotate, there you go. Alright hold up. In championship freestyle, we call this drill……(to be continued)

你们把身体的能量从臀部转移到锚定手。好的,开始,往这边游。右臂引导,准备……开始!转动,转动,转动。Vivian 划水的手开始得早了一点。转动,Vivian,耐心。转动,好了。 好的,坚持住。在冠军自由泳中,我们把这个练习叫做……(未完待续)

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林琳 发表于 2012-10-11 00:54:54
潇潇雨 发表于 2012-10-11 01:56:58
水影 发表于 2012-10-11 09:37:44
天生浪子 发表于 2012-10-11 09:38:04
愚人 发表于 2012-10-11 13:03:30
小猪乖乖 发表于 2012-10-11 15:40:10
Snowland01 发表于 2012-10-11 12:13
I want you to give me arm lead balance drill traveling on your side and when I say “rotate” I wa ...

无忧 发表于 2012-10-12 22:58:35
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