[初阶泳者] [混合泳] 五种常见的泳姿错误

老由 发表于 2010-6-22 01:56:37
10139 0
Five Common Stroke Flaws

This week’s Speedo Tip of the Week comes from Jimmy Tierney, head coach of Northwestern University’s women’s swim team. Tierney talks about five common stroke flaws found in young swimmers.
本周的Speedo每周小贴士来自西北大学女子游泳队的总教头Jimmy Tierney。他谈到了年轻选手中常见的五种泳姿错误。

1.     Arched Back
1.     弓背
Coach Tierney often notices freestylers arching their backs, a crucial indication that their body isn’t in its most efficient position.  Focus on keeping “your head, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles aligned,” says Tierney.  Tightening your abdominal muscles will help prevent your back from bowing.

2.     High Head Position
2.     头部位置太高
Breaststrokers sometimes keep their heads raised during their recovery glide, causing drag and throwing off timing. To help correct this error, Tierney suggests doing one-pull-two-kicks breaststroke drill to encourage neutral head position during your glide.

3.     Over-Rotation in backstroke
3.     仰泳滚动过度
Tierney notices that age-groupers are especially prone to “over-doing the side to side motion” in backstroke, which leads to a less powerful stroke.  By swimming with a kickboard held upright between your legs, you can help develop a balanced rotation.

4.     No Upbeat on Dolphin Kicks
4.     水下蝶泳腿中没有上打腿
While most swimmers have a strong downbeat on their underwater dolphin kicks, Tierney sees many relax on their up-kick, losing power by doing so.  The solution?  Practice vertical- or side-kicking to emphasize both motions.

5.     Shallow Streamlines
5.     流线型蹬壁后过浅
After completing a freestyle turn, swimmers often go too shallow, breaking to the surface quickly and losing the opportunity to swim under the rough water near the wall.  Tierney encourages swimmers to complete a set amount of underwater dolphin kicks after flip-turning to take advantage of the push off.

http://www.usaswimming.org/USASW ... 348&ItemId=3100
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