[外文游泳文献] 核心训练与评估Core Assessment and Training

聒噪的乌龟 发表于 2011-8-7 01:47:13
13145 0
Product Description
Our understanding of the importance of core health for injury prevention, athletic performance, and rehabilitation grows each day. Make sure you can offer your clients safe and effective programs with Core Assessment and Training. In this book, you will learn to assess each client’s baseline core function and develop an individualized program to meet his or her needs.

In Core Assessment and Training, expert Jason Brumitt covers all aspects of core training—from basic to advanced core exercises, stretches, and plyometrics. Whether you are a personal trainer, strength coach, or rehabilitation professional, this reference will help you learn these essentials:

•Functional anatomy of the core musculature

•Core assessment and functional testing techniques

•Fundamentals of program design for core training

•Special considerations for core training for various sports and core-specific injuries and conditions

This book covers not only core strength but also flexibility and plyometrics. It includes photos, illustrations, and instructions for more than 120 exercises. Sample exercise routines and a table that lists the exercises by the muscles used offer a basis for program design and provide on-the-spot reference. The accompanying DVD features video demonstrations that help you review proper techniques and protocols for many of the exercises and assessments discussed in the book. All of the information in the book and on the DVD is presented in a logical format with the busy fitness professional in mind.

Understanding the concepts of core training and analyzing functioning of the core are key components of safe core exercise programs. With Core Assessment and Training, you can master the techniques for assessing each client’s needs and design customized training programs for maximum results.


Chapter 1: Introduction to Core Stability Training

Chapter 2: Functional Anatomy of the Core

Chapter 3: The Client Interview: The First Step in Assessing Your Client

Chapter 4: Physical Assessment and Functional Testing

Chapter 5: Fundamentals of Program Design

Chapter 6: Core Exercises

Chapter 7: Core Flexibility

Chapter 8: Plyometric Training

Chapter 9: Special Considerations for Core Training


An applied reference for strength and conditioning coaches, personal trainers, athletic trainers, physical therapists, and chiropractors in designing exercise programs for core strengthening and stabilization.
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游泳科学:优化水中运动表现的技术、体能、营养和康复指导 是全面展现游泳运动科学知识与运动表现提升的专业指导书。全书从游泳运动的发展历程、科研发现、装备与技术革新,以及这项运动所涉及的运动员生理、心理和技术层面的理论与实践讲起,通过科学图表与数据分析,将优化游泳运动表现的重要方面——技术、体能、营养和康复进行了细致地讲解。书中还重点介绍了游泳训练的方法,包括泳池训练和陆上训练两部分,旨在帮助游泳教练、运动员及爱好者形成标准化的训练体系,有效提升游泳运动表现。
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