[求助] 怎么练双侧呼吸

zhuang 发表于 2012-5-10 01:22:57
15353 6

水将军 发表于 2012-5-11 23:06:54
我专业的我也喜欢单边啊,就是换气多了影响速度,所以我们一般不换气。。。单边会游歪,而且游快了节奏不好控制,还感觉人在水里不稳,一跳一跳的。 两边换气不习惯是因为你左手技术动作不到位,没有像右手一样伸展(前伸到位),建议在陆上找个镜子做做自由泳模仿操,看看两手动作一样不。慢慢改,改动做可麻烦了。

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鹭游 发表于 2012-5-11 23:07:47

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千年一夏 发表于 2012-5-11 23:08:08

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Gel 发表于 2012-5-12 22:51:39
Bilateral Breathing 『双侧呼吸』


This week’s Speedo Tip of the Week comes from Terry Laughlin, head coach of Total Immersion Swimming and coaching director of the Hawks Swimming Association in New Paltz, NY. Laughlin offers some advice on bilateral breathing.
本周的 Speedo 小贴示是由Total Immersion Swimming 的主教练以及纽约州纽袍泽市群鹰游泳协会(Hawks Swimming Association)的教练总监泰瑞·朗琳(Terry Laughlin)提供的。朗琳提供拉一些关于双侧呼吸的建议。

Laughlin’s Tip:
My first practical coaching lesson came on my second day on the job. I started my coaching career at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at age 21 in September 1972. On Day 1, I noticed that virtually my entire team of 16 college men had lopsided freestyle strokes, rolling more to one side or the other, crossing under the body with one arm and swinging wider on recovery with the other. I pondered that for a while before the next day’s practice and came up with an experiment.
我的第一堂训练课是在我从教后的第二天。在1972年九月,当时21岁的我于美国商务海洋学院 (U.S. Merchant Marine Academy)开始了我的从教生涯。上任的第一天,我发现我的全部十六名大学生运动员在有自由泳的时候都存在侧偏的毛病,仅仅向一侧转体,一侧划臂很深而另一侧移臂距身体过宽。我在第二天训练课前认真思考了这个问题,第二堂训练课,我带去了一个试验性训练项目。

The next day for warm-up, I instructed them to swim 800 free breathing to the "wrong" side. Instantly, every stroke in the pool was more symmetrical and balanced – the "blank slate" effect. Lacking a history of practicing bad habits, each swimmer's less-natural breathing side was actually more efficient. Though I’d had only one day of coaching experience, I felt instinctively that any training adjustment that promoted more symmetry in their strokes couldn’t be a bad thing. Since then, I’ve had all my swimmers use bilateral breathing on freestyle sets and practiced it myself. I always told them they could breathe to any side in races, but we do 100% bilateral freestyle breathing in practice.
第二天的训练课上,我让他们游八百米自由泳热身,用他们的弱侧呼吸。立刻,所有人的泳姿看上去都是那么的对称且富有平衡——这就是“白板”效应(译者注:抱歉,没有在网络上找出这一词条的出处,所以关于the “blank slate” effort 的翻译实为意义,且主要基于我个人理解。)。由于没有在训练中养成坏的习惯(译者注:即,未能在弱侧行程错误的技术动作或者习惯性错误动作),每位运动员的非自然呼吸侧的动作实际上就更加正确、有效。尽管当时我只有一天的从教经验,不过我的直觉告诉我,任何针对平衡或使两侧动作对称的调整性训练应该是有利无弊的。从那次开始,我让我的运动员在有自由泳的时候采用双侧呼吸,我自己也开始那么做。我告诉他们,在竞赛时他们可以任意选择在如何呼吸(译者按:左侧、右侧或者双侧),但是在训练中,我们就是要百分百地运用双侧呼吸。

Virtually all swimmers favor one side in breathing and breathe to that side all the time because it feels better. Breathing to the other side feels awkward, and who needs that? The problem with breathing to only one side is that it tends, over time, to make your stroke lopsided and asymmetrical. And small wonder; in just an hour of swimming, you'll probably roll to your breathing side about 1,000 times, meaning all your torso muscles pull more in that direction and less to the other side. Multiply that by hundreds of hours of swimming, and you can see how a lopsided stroke can easily become permanent.  

Making a conscious decision in practice to breathe as often on one side as the other has two benefits:

1. Using your more efficient, "blank slate" side more frequently will help your stroke overall, including your regular breathing side.
2. You'll have better command of a potential tactical racing advantage. In the pool you'll never have a "blind" side, and in open water you can check for landmarks wherever they may be, or avoid chop, or keep a rough swimmer alongside from splashing water into your face as you breathe.
1. 更多、更频繁地使用有效地、“白板”侧呼吸能帮助你提高你的整体动作,包括你的习惯性强呼吸侧的动作。
2. 从竞赛策略角度来看,你亦收益颇丰。在泳池中,你将不在有弱呼吸侧;在公开水域中,你能更加自如地查看路标——无论在哪一侧,或可以避免中断(译者按:由于视野角度开阔了,能及早发现状况以作出反映),又或者可以防止在有浪水面游进、呼吸时他人划水的水花溅入口中。

When I say bilateral (also called alternate sides), it doesn’t just mean breathing every 3 (or 5 or 7 or 9) strokes. It means that you take as many breaths to your right side as you do to your left over the entire practice. The number of ways you can achieve that goal are limited only by your imagination. Here are just a few options (assuming a swimmer who normally breathes to the left):

1. Breathe to your right side on one length and to your left on the next. That way you still get plenty of air, but develop a balanced stroke. You also get more time to work out the awkward feeling on your “new” breathing side.
2. Breathe to your right side in warm-ups, cool-downs, and slower swimming sets, and to your left on main sets.
3. Breathe to your right side during the first few repeats of main sets, then shift gradually to your left side. Example: On a set of 5 x 100, breathe right on the first 100, 75 right/25 left on the second, 50/50 on the third, 25 right/75 left on the fourth, and breathe left on the fifth 100.
4. Experiment with 2 left, 2 right, 3L/3R or 4L/4R until you find a comfortable pattern.
3.在主训练组的前几个单元,用右侧呼吸。然后渐渐地转移到左侧。例如:在一个 5×100 的训练组中,第一个100米采用右侧呼吸,第二个100米中前七十五采用右侧/后二十五米采用左侧,然后五十米右侧呼吸/五十米左侧呼吸,二十五米右侧呼吸/七十五米左侧呼吸,最后一百米采用左侧呼吸。

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匿名  发表于 2013-7-27 11:12:59
呼吸节奏要把握好   你可以用不大习惯的那一面来呼吸,你可以用一面呼吸好几次再转到你比较习惯的那一面去。你可以用3-2-3-2。。。。这一模式,数字指的是划臂的次数,-指呼吸。
不呼吸的那一面,身体转动不够, 抬臂过低,提前入水,手过中心线交叉划臂,会走S型路线,甚至偏离泳道 交叉划水导致失去平衡,进而导致剪刀打水交叉划水导致肘部下垂,影响抓水身体转动不足,低位移臂,交叉划 臂导致肩部受伤


愉悦之王 发表于 2014-7-7 13:15:35

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