[初阶泳者] 关于自由泳打腿的看法-全浸Louis Tharp

灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-5-16 00:38:46
18222 25

Can you recommend drills that emphasize high hips? I have inflexible ankles and a poor kick, so I am always looking to increase my efficiency/streamline in order to swim faster.


Richard Chapkis, December 27, 2010





 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-5-16 00:38:55
First, I'd like to ask you to engage in two positive activities.

1. Stop kicking when you swim. For now.

2. Point your toes three times a day -- when you're not in the water.



 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-5-16 00:39:05
If you are defining your kick as poor, then I think a poor kick is worse than no kick, so dump it. For now. Triathletes can add foot movement as the final ingredient in an otherwise stellar swim technique. Before then it's not a kick, it's a valiant attempt by the brain to keep a triathlete from sinking.

 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-5-16 00:39:13
Also, I assume you're defining kick as something your feet do. It's really something your hips do -- those things you want to get to the top of the water which is a good goal to have.

So stop kicking and point your toes toward whomever is behind you.


 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-5-16 00:39:19
But before you get over-involved in this second drill, pointing your toes, remember your foot has 26 bones and they break easily. Three times. Do this stretch three times a day. Hold it for about 10 seconds. That's it. If you get a calf cramp you're pointing too much. You can break bones in your feet by overdoing this stretch.

 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-5-16 00:39:25
Ok, back to the stop kicking part. Good luck with that. When you think you're doing it, ask the person next to you if you are kicking. You are. It is virtually impossible to not kick at all. But the point of this drill is to tell your brain to stop your feet from moving.

 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-5-16 00:39:31
The result will be that your feet will move a little less than before, and after a while, they will move a lot less and you'll be a happier swimmer because your brain will be telling your muscles what to do, not the other way around.

There are ways to trick your feet into not moving.


 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-5-16 00:39:39
You can wear this Speedo band thing around your ankles. It can be scary, but it will severely restrict your kick. If you've never used this deSade item before, do not use it in deep water. Be able to stand up if the fear factor gets in the way of the drill.

 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-5-16 00:39:46
You can also place the bottom of one foot on the top of the other for a second or two while you swim.
You can also allow your ankles to touch.
And point your feet toward the wall. Easily. No .

 楼主| 灰熊喱嗨 发表于 2012-5-16 00:39:52
So what happens when you stop kicking and point your feet toward the wall by stretching your ankles?

You'll sink like a stone.


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