[视频分享] [视频] 美国路易斯安那州的高中河滨游泳队系列

star 发表于 2010-7-10 02:08:23
16322 22
This site is now a historical record of all the young athletes of RST who worked hard everyday to attain their goals. Due to forces out of our control, the Riverside Swim Team has been shut down. We are deeply saddened by this, but are fortunate to have these videos to remember this special team which graced the pool decks of Lafayette , Louisiana.

We are particularly thankful for the passion and dedication of (Coach) Dr Wendel Gatch who made these memories possible for the families and athletes of Riverside. This team which he founded back in 1985 has been the source of countless memories for generations.

Thank You Dr Gatch, you are simply irreplaceable.

Videos by Andrew and Nathan's Dad.

Choose to Excel
 楼主| star 发表于 2010-7-10 02:08:49
The little team that could.

 楼主| star 发表于 2010-7-10 02:09:18
Riverside Swim Team - Crawfish Meet
 楼主| star 发表于 2010-7-10 02:09:55
RST Kids - Crawfish Meet
Kids having fun at the Crawfish Meet.
 楼主| star 发表于 2010-7-10 02:10:31
Riverside Swim Team
RST.........where Real Swimmers Train......Getting ready for the big State Swim Meet.
 楼主| star 发表于 2010-7-10 02:11:12
2009 State Short Course Swim Meet. RST.......where Real Swimmers Train. The kids showed once again that they Choose to Excel each and everyday and remain the best swim team in Acadiana.

 楼主| star 发表于 2010-7-10 02:11:39
Riverside Swim Team - Ross Olivier - Short Course State Meet 2009
Riverside is proud to have Ross Olivier. His character and determination make him an excellent roll model for his fellow swimmers. He earned a Junior National Cut in the 200 Back as well as a State Title in the same event with a time of 1:50.51. RST.......where Real Swimmers Train.

 楼主| star 发表于 2010-7-10 02:12:13
Riverside Swim Team - Short Course 2009
RST.........where Real Swimmers Train

 楼主| star 发表于 2010-7-10 02:12:37
Riverside Swim Team - 2009 State Meet- Meridith Boudreaux
Meridith has been the State's all around high point champion three times. She is well on her way to great things. She currently swims with RST........where Real Swimmers Train

 楼主| star 发表于 2010-7-10 02:13:16
帅哥Joe Chance混合泳
Joe Chance is a senior swimmer who has consistently contributed big points for RST. Although he likes to play, his work ethic is a cut above the rest.

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