
YMCA 发表于 2011-1-27 01:58:38
14791 3
本帖最后由 B6man 于 2011-1-27 01:58 编辑

波波夫(Alex popov )泳姿浅析 (修改)
Alexander uses phase classification suggested by Professor Rein Haljand from Estonian. The technique consists of four phases divided according to the Goals of movement requirement.
根据爱沙尼亚籍Rein Haljand教授提出的动作阶段分类法,按照动作所要达到的目的,可将波波夫的动作划分成四个阶段。
In the first phase, the turning motion of the shoulders initiates arm recovery with the elbow appearing first above the water.
Catch the water with elbow moving forward, and the hand starting the out sweep. The goal of this phase is to support and not lose speed.
在第一阶段,要由肩部的转动带动肘关节先出水开始移臂,前移肘关节使手臂前伸入水,然后手掌开始外划。 这个阶段的目的是使身体得到支撑而且还要保持游进速度。

With the rigid transfer of force through the back from one hand, the exit-hand, to the other hand, the catch-hand.
This is the pivotal point when the shoulders are at the maximum rotation and the elbow is at the highest.  The back muscles are stretched
and the hand continues the ballistic movement forward simultaneously with the opposite hand changing motion from an outward and
backward sweep to an inward and backward sweep. The goal of phase 2 is to create optimum propulsion and not lose speed.
在 一只手出水,另一只手抓水时,要通过背部进行力的刚性传递。 这是一个转折点,此时,肩部转动的角度最大,肘关节的位置最高,要伸展背部肌肉,一只手在继续做曲线运动往前伸的同时,对侧手正从向外、向后划转变成向 内、向后划。 第二阶段的目的是要产生最适度的推进力而且还要保持游进速度。

The arm recovery accelerates and the hand drives forward into the water while the opposite hand pushes back achieving maximum hand
velocity and propulsion. The goal of phase 3 is to reach and maintain maximum speed.
当对侧手向后推水,达到最快的划水速度和最大推进力的时候,移臂开始加速,驱动手掌前伸入水。 第三阶段的目的是要达到和保持最快的游进速度。
This final phase is minimized in Alexander’s technique, and last only until the front hand starts the active out-sweep, and the opposite
hand simultaneously exits the water. The goal of this phase is to reach maximum velocity.
波波夫最后阶段的动作最少,只是前手开始做外划的动作的同时,对侧手出水。 这个阶段的目的是要达到最大的游进速度。

小猪王 发表于 2011-3-5 23:20:34
799805919 发表于 2011-8-10 16:17:19
我看不错噢 谢谢楼主 > _ <
厦门游泳社区 不走平凡路
allen 发表于 2011-8-19 00:15:31

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