[外文游泳文献] Backstroke Drills,from Aaron Peirsol (Aaron Peirsol谈仰泳)

小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-8 23:11:09
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本帖最后由 小臭贝 于 2011-2-8 23:15 编辑

(Coming from a Splash,in which special correspondent Bonnie Mose writes about training with Aaron Peirsol.Here,Peirsol offers some advice on technique and talks about some drills he uses to improve his stroke.1/9/2006)
Peirsol says his technique accounts for about 70 percent of the totol piece,but he's not big into numbers.While many coaches and swimmers focus on stroke counts,Peirsol thinks of it more as catch and distance per stroke.He does not keep track of his stroke per lap.Instead,he relies on his feel for the water.
"I know when I'm not catching enough water or turning over too slow."Peirsol says."To me,technique is whatever gets me to the other side of the pool fastest while using the least amount of effort.Get this down in practce so you don't have to think of it during a race."
Working on technique is a major part of his workout.He hits all the drills:one-arm backstroke,double-arm bcckstroke,the spin drill,kicking drills and major underwater dolphin kicking.
Peirsol says it is very hard to do the double-arm correctly unless the body is extremely flexible or double-jointed.It's definitely not a drill to just 'go through the motions' The arms should enter just as they would in a normal stroke ,behind the head,pinky first.Avoiding a wide entry is very hard to do simultaneously with the other arm.He says the pull must be as deep as it would be with a normal stroke,which is also  difficult because the body cannot roll in this position.
Another one of Peirsol's favorites is the spin drill,if you are not familiar with it,the focus is to get a quick turnover,without changing your stroke.The arms spin as fast as possible without sacrificing technique.You do not kick.The lower bady drags through the water as the upper body sits high on top,almost in a vertival line.Although the body position is not correct (hips are sunk and the kick is gone) the actual arm strokes should be just as proficient,except with a much higher turnover rate.Spinning is an execellent speed drill ,but it is difficult to execute properly.Peirsol spins for about 10 to 15 metres at time,as it's important not to  overdo this drills.
"It defeats the purpose to do a drill if you don't do it correctly because you don't wanted a bad habit to carry over into your stroke,"Peirsol says"Make sure your coach is on deck to guide you."
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-8 23:11:48

1,"While many coaches and swimmers focus on stroke counts,Peirsol thinks of it more as catch and distance per stroke."



2,"He does not keep track of his stroke per lap.Instead,he relies on his feel for the water."


3,"I know when I'm not catching enough water or turning over too slow,"Peirsol says"To me,technique is whatever gets me to the other side of the pool fastest while using the least amount of effort.Get this down in practice,so you don't have to think of it during a race."



4,"Working on technique is a major part of his workout.He hits all the drill-one-arm backstroke,double-arm backstroke,the spin drill,kicking drill and major underwater dophin kicking."


评:佩尔索没有提到:训练中,要有多大的强度,要游多远的距离,还是要有多少的时间.他认为技术更重要,铸造完美的仰泳技术应居于优先地位.这和不少人推崇的"唯量论",大相径庭!  对游泳学习者而言,带着改善技术的任务去游泳,反复推敲动作的合理性,做到知其然知其所以然,才会事半功倍,成效显著.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-8 23:12:07
5,"Peirsol says it is very hard to do the double-arm corretly unless the body is extrmely flexible or double-jointed.It's definitely not a drill to just 'go through the motions'.The arms should enter just as they would in a normal stroke,behind the head,pinky first.Avoiding a wide entry is very hard to do simultaneously with the other arm.He says the pull must be as deep as it would be with a normal stroke,which is also difficult because the body cannot roll in this position."



6, Another one of Peirsol favorites is the spin drill.if you are not familiar with it,the focus is to get a quick turnover,without changing your stroke.



7,"The arms spin as fast as possible without scrificing technique.You do not kick.The lower body grags throgh the water as the upper body sits high on top,almost in a vertical line.Although the body position is not correct (hips are sunk and  the kick is gone) the actual arm strokes should be just as proficiennt,except with a much higher turnover rate."

 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-8 23:12:31
8,"Spinning is an execellent speed drill,but it is difficult to execute properly.Peirsol spins for about 10 to 15 metres at a time,as it's important not to overdo this drills."

译: "转身是速度训练的好方法,但要做好似乎也不太容易.佩尔索练习转身大多10到15米处出水,当然出水太远是不行的."

评:要做好,唯一的途径就是多练习,熟能生巧.转身问题对大多数运动员都是一个考验,转身之前,已经游得不少了,体能消耗很多,氧气比任何时候都要珍贵,马上还要做转身的动作,水中经10米左右方可出水,还不能慢了,确不是个小考验!  凭借往日训练所形成的泳姿条件化,运动员在比赛中,才可能依靠特定节奏本能地游进.所以,训练时水下仰位蝶泳腿游得太远,既没有价值,也没有必要,比赛时还容易违规.

9,"It defeats the purpose to do a drill if you don't do it correctly,because you don't want a bad habit to carry over into your stroke,''Peirsol says"make sure your coach is on deck to guide you."


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