[外文游泳文献] 自由泳转髋过迟

小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-9 17:35:33
11840 2
The vast majority of swimmers in our country rotate late on freestyle. For example, on the underwater pull if you are still on your left side when your left arm passes your chest, the angle of your left shoulder relative to your chest is too big. It is like trying to climb out of the pool with your arms spread out wide on the deck - not a very powerful position. However, if the left arm performs a good, high elbow catch and the right hip rotates downward before the pulling hand gets to the chest, the shoulder angle is powerful - like climbing out of the pool with your hands in front of you.


have a drill that I call “The Catch” drill which is best performed with fins. It is written for the left arm; just reverse it for the right.

我有一套训练方法,我叫它做“The Catch Drill”(抱水训练),配合脚蹼【我很负责任地指出,fins 就是指脚蹼】下面的训练方法是为您的左手写的,不过咧,您可以用它来训练您的右手。

The first third of the underwater pull is the catch. Begin by lying in the water on your left side with your left arm out in front, right arm at your side and face in the water with the nose pointing toward the bottom of the pool. While doing a small, steady flutter kick, bend your left elbow and point your fingers at the bottom of the pool. At the same time rotate the right hip downwards. When your left elbow is at about a 90 degree angle you should be on your right side with your left hand approximately under your chin. Reset to starting position. Repeat without rushing for the length of the pool. The catch creates very little propulsion but “builds the paddle” for the power portion of your pull.

· 推水动作的前三分之一环节是抱水。动作起始状态,请您俯卧【更正:身体左侧在下,侧卧】(laying应该是“躺”,但是我觉得这里指“趴”)于水中并将您的左臂伸直置与提前,并将您的右臂(放松地)放在体侧,将您的脸浸于水中,鼻尖指向池底(看,我说是“趴”吧 )。请您做小幅度、平稳的踢水动作(使身体开始缓慢前进),这时,请弯曲您的左手肘并将左手指尖指向泳池底部。与此同时,将您的右侧屁屁转向池底。当您的左臂肘部成角接近九十度的时候,您的重心应该在您的右体侧(或者说右侧身体朝向池底),而您的左手应该移动至您的下巴正下方附近。恢复到起始状态重复此联系。不要追求练习过程中身体前进的距离(关键是手肘和屁股转动的配合)。抱水动作仅能提供非常有限(小)的推进力,但是确能为您的推水“造出一副桨”(“build the paddle”)。
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-9 17:38:16
Another very important feature of this drill is the focus on body alignment. In addition to the head looking at the bottom to keep the hips up, you should tighten your abs and press the small of your back toward the ceiling. This does several things. It allows for quicker, cleaner rotation avoiding the “hammock effect” (swinging your body back and forth like a hammock with your back arched). It cuts down on drag underwater from your chest and stomach and it eliminates the pooling of water over the small of the back which can cause drag. I use the term “179” to remind the swimmers to picture their bodies bent at a 179 degree angle at the waist. They really end up at 180 but the 179 reminds them to keep their abs tight.

此训练的另外一个相当重要的特征就是要注意身体成一条直线(body alignment)。除了保持头部面向池底、屁屁抬起外,您要(尽量)保持腹肌的紧张(——腹肌不明显的朋友们,尽量就好 ),并且将您的小块背部肌肉顶向天花板。这么做有几点好处。它能够让更快、更利索地转髋更能避免“吊床效应”(即,游进过程中身,背部弓起,身体如吊床般摆动)。这样做能减少你身体胸部腹部的阻力,并消除因水涌向您背部小块肌肉而产生的阻力。我经常用“179”这个术语来提醒游泳者,就是让他们在大脑中行成身体于腰部弯曲成角179度的画面。但事实上,他们都能做到腰部成角180度(保持身的正直 body alignment),但是“179”这个数能提醒他们注意腹肌紧绷。
This drill can take a little time to understand, but once mastered, it will go a long way toward eliminating late rotation, one of our most troublesome problems with technique.


 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-9 17:38:59
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