[外文游泳文献] Simple Strength Training for Swimmers游泳者简单的力量训练

小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-15 12:56:52
8927 1
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-15 12:57:10
Weight training and dryland exercises can be used for many things, including injury prevention, rehabilitation, gain strength, build general or specific fitness, or to cross-train to improve abilities in other sports. Many training programs seem too complicated to follow. You may get discouraged, almost before you start. If this has happened to you, then perhaps you'll give this weight training program a try.
This is a basic, simple program. You can adjust it as needed, but its central purpose is a quick, easy to follow plan. You can do it once a week for strength maintenance or two to three times a week to build strength and power. If done several times each week, separate workouts by 1-2 days to allow for full recovery.

Intensity is the key
While lifting, focus on each repetition, using good form and keeping the weight under control. No throwing or dropping - use weights that you can control.

Each lift has a minimum/maximum number of repetitions

During the early portion of the program (the first 6 to 10 weeks), if you can exceed the maximum number, then add 3% to 10% more weight the next time you do that exercise.
Later in the program only increase the weight if you can exceed the maximum number two workouts in a row.
If you cannot do the minimum number of lifts, decrease the load by 3% to 10% the next time you are doing the routine.
If you miss a week, decrease the weight load for each exercise, building back to your pre-miss levels over the next few weeks.
Start with a moderate to light weight load for the first workout and slowly add weight each subsequent workout until you reach a weight load that meets the minimum/maximum number of lifts for a specific exercise.
Substitute different lifts
Squats instead of a leg press machine, for example, if needed due to available equipment - or if wanted because you like one type of lift more than another.
Control the speed of the lift
Aim for a 1-2 second positive, loading, or lifting effort and a 2-4 second negative, unloading, or lowering effort.

Stick with the basic order of exercises
Work muscles from large groups to more specific muscles.

Take minimal rest between lifts
By alternating upper and lower body exercises, rest for general areas being worked is automatic, and your heart rate will remain slightly elevated for the entire workout.

Avoid plateaus
Switch the program from one set of lifts to two sets at half the minimum/maximum level with an increased weight load periodically, as often as every four weeks. When you switch back to week 1-4 Min/Max, remember to use a lower weight than you were using during the weeks 5-8 Min/Max sessions. During the week 5-8 Min/Max sessions take 1-2 minutes of rest between exercises for the same part of the body.
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