[外文游泳文献] 全浸式自由泳Freestyle made easy--Lesson 4(03)

小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-15 13:43:25
11068 1
If you gotten stuck on breathing, these drills will help you. Push you often into skating position. Then grab several quick fights of there without rolling to sweet spot. After a few practice fights, then try one stroke cycle with a regular breath. Next do as Jeniffer shows here, alternating one ** pause in sweet spot with one rhythmic breath.
Tobey, who is also learning rhythmic breathing for the first time. Progress it to two rhythmic breaths followed by one switch spots. She has breath pauses but as moving towards a seamless rhythm .
Here Jane does the same exercise. Her two consecutive rhythmic breaths show our real ease and flow, if you had one rhythmic breathing cycle at a time. You’ll always pratise control, never practise struggle.
And here is Ann doing the same exercise. The next step would be 3 rhythmic breaths followed by one in sweet spot. Never fall into the trap of practising struggle. Practice only what you can do well.
If you do triathlons or swim in open water, much of your breathing should be no difference than what you practised in the pool. Breath with your rhythmic body roll. Just keep in mind to roll all the way to where the air is. And hired waves to chop. Just roll farther. When you need to navigate, the key skill is to look, then breathe without interrupting your rhythm and hug the surface as you do.
Terry skims his goggles just over the water, takes a snapshot view then breathes as his finishes his roll to the side. You’ll save time energy by maintaning your normal stroke in breath rhythm as you sight. And don’t forget that you always got your sweet spot. Any time you need a bit of rest. Just rolls to sweet spot for a few extra breaths, then resume normal breathing .

freestyle turns made easy
Let’s go back to the pool to learn the two freestyle turns. The open turn gives you a plenty of air allowing you ‘re longer, stronger push off.
Remain sideways as you turn to minimize resistance as you (rock,roll) back. Notice how Terry rocks his head straight back and drop his left hand behind his ear to prepare for push off. Underwater he tucks his leg tightly to reduce resistance. Drops back sideways, uses his right hand to help pull his body under puts one hand on top the other as he reaches a horizontal position on his side and squeezes into steamline as he pushes off and rotates.
The flip turn is faster but it essential to do it economically to avoid oxygen down. Approach the wall in a straight line.
Somersault straight over then leaves the wall on the same straight line. Rotate after you somersault so you can push off on your side. Make you turn easier and faster by keeping your heels as close to the surface as possible and hitting the wall with as little noise and splash as you can. Terry initiate his somersault by tucking his chin and trying to bring his nose to his knees. His hands meet overhead as his feet land at the right ** for a horizontal push off. Then he pushes off on his side and strokes the bottom arm first.

Swimming faster
Fast swimming should be an exercise in keeping the same form you have it lower speeds. Fast looks different for a 26 year-old sprinter like Joe than it does for a 52 year-old distance swimmer like Terry. But they both maintain a long smooth stroke and propel with core body with rotation. And Terry shows the same connection of timing, smooth whole-body movement and absence of turbulance when practising his slow speeds and when he practises the speed and turn-about he uses this under while racing. If you follow the TI freestyle program. Before long you’ll be able to swim any distance in any body of water. This may be your happiest love of all. Enjoy.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-15 13:43:55
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