[外文游泳文献] 全浸式自由泳Freestyle made easy--Lesson 3(01)

小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-15 13:47:35
9125 0
Zipper drills are the most transforming part of the entire TI drill sequence. They improve you balance and teach valueble stroke habits. Especially a compact recovery, which is essential for efficiency. You can rehearse the next step with the dry land exercise.
Begin as Katherine does, then slowly drag your thumb along your breast bone to your ear as it pulling a zipper up your side. Lead your elbow for as long as possible. Here Terry demonstrates how a partner can check your head position and help you lead with your elbow. So your forearm hangs like Marionette. Then wag it gently to check for complete relaxation. Practise on both sides and keep the arm alongside your body.
You can even practise a switch as you go from one side to the other. Finally pump your compleletly relaxed forearm up and down to rehearse the movement we’ll do in water next.

Drill 10 Zipperskate
Zipper skate will be the most valueble balance in body position dirll you ‘ll ever do. Because it teaches you how to lay on your length. With that feeling, you’ll swim and drill better than ever.
Joe shows here how critical it is to make sure your head and lead hand are correctly positioned before you start the zipper movement, with that foundation he is perfectly stable, even with his arm  poised overhead. Also notice that he keeps his hand completely underwater and his arm alongside, not above his rib cage.
Jeniffer is a bit of sinker but as long as she keeps that lead hand at five o’clock. She’ll sink an equilibrium with hips and shoulders even. A valueble balance lesson!
Ann also sinks a bit but because he stays balanced he has great control. Can you be so relaxed as the water flexes your hand back as Ann shows? When you feel great balance, pump your arm alongside your ear as Joe demonstrates. This will imprint where you make the switch in our next drill. Practice until you feel as if you can glide effortlessly like this. The more balanced you feel, the better you’ll swim.
And here Joe and Ann show the great value of the using the TI team learning approach while practising zipper skate. Here Joe was pushing Ann gently along from behind the elbow. This heightens the feeling of having the elbow leading, while allowing Ann to feel a compleletly effortless glide. Next Ann helps Joe perfect his side balance position which Joe maintains for moment before doing the one switch.
When drilling solo or swimming, recall the balance and control you feel while doing this exercise.

Drill 11 Zipperswitch
The balance imprinting your practice in zipper skate have pave the way for a precise deft hand entry in zipper switch, starting with the arm. pump practising zipper skate. Though Ann does a sink of it. His proper head and hand position give him the balance to do the pump and switch with ease and control. He pumps right alongside his ear and switches at the same spot.
When your entry a point consistent, you can switch without pumping. Like this. Joe slices his hand down at his ear and right to his 4 o’clock position. Ann leads with his elbow and keep his arm so relaxed to his hand flexes back during recovery. He also hugs the surface, drilling as if trying to fit under a very low (sealing, sailing?)
Watching Terry in this endless pool give you another look at where the hand slices down. Right beside the ear, while the other arm is still outstretched, watching underwater, you can see the switch timing. One arm entering, triggers the other to begin the stroke. When you master this timing, your arm will feel like a powerful extension of core body.
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