[外文游泳文献] Thorpedo's tips for the top(索普的冠军心得)

小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-18 18:32:21
10510 0
Typical race day

It generally consists of two races - the heat in the morning and the final in the evening.

For the heats, the best form of preparation is relaxation.

I usually wake up quite early and have my breakfast. I'll then head off to the pool and start warming up.

I've got a set warm-up procedure, making sure I warm up every muscle for the race.

I always do the same warm-up for every competition and I think I always will because I know it works.

As my heat gets closer I try to start focusing. It's crucial you have a good heat.

This will ensure I'm in the final, keep me confident and guarantee that I get a good lane in the race that matters.

Rest and mental preparation

Between the heats and the final I go back to my hotel and have lunch and a rest for a couple of hours.

There's no point staying around the pool as it can be quite distracting.

Take the freestyle challenge!

Whatever I do will not use up too much mental or physical energy.

Despite qualifying for the final, I try and stay as neutral as I can with my emotions.

If I stay neutral it means I don't go through highs and lows in the competition.

If you have to compete day after day, week after week you don't want to get too emotional or you may lose control.

I like to stay very controlled.

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