[外文游泳文献] FINA: Nothing wrong with new bodysuits

小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-18 18:33:19
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MANCHESTER, England -- Swimming's world governing body FINA on Wednesday stuck by its decision to approve a range of new swimsuits and insisted a recent deluge of world records was down to the swimmers, not technology.
"We're talking a lot a about the swimsuit, not about the athletes," FINA president Mustapha Larfaoui told a news conference at the world short-course championships in Manchester, England.

"We forget the athlete, what's most important is the effort, how they are working hard to win. This is Olympic year, everyone is trying to do their best."

Nineteen world records have been set in the last two months, 18 by swimmers wearing the LZR Racer bodysuit, which manufacturer Speedo says reduces drag, helps stabilize body position and reduces muscle oscillation and skin vibration.

The use of bodysuits has been a controversial issue since they were first introduced to the sport eight years ago, with critics arguing they broke rules outlawing buoyancy.

FINA executive director Cornel Marculescu said manufacturers had played by the rules of the sport and FINA had no reason to question the new suits.

"There is no credible scientific test to say there is anything wrong with the suits we have approved," he said, adding that FINA was prepared to look at any evidence that could suggest the suits should be outlawed.

"[The world records] are not a surprise. We are in Olympic year. In the past, we had a lot of world records prior to the Olympics. For sure, in Beijing we will see a lot of world records also."

The major concern among swimmers and officials ahead of August's Beijing Olympics is those who do not have access to the $550 bodysuit, such as swimmers contracted to wear other brands.

"It's very complex problem," Marculescu added. "But if there's improvement, we welcome that.

"It's our goal to improve our sport. The only condition is that we ask all manufacturers that the suits should be available for anybody."
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