[铁人三项] [精华]Your Perfect Tempo(节奏跑)

简枫 发表于 2011-2-18 14:40:50
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Your Perfect Tempo
This "comfortably hard" run is the key to racing your best, at any distance. Here's how to add tempo runs to your weekly mix.
By John Hanc
作者 John Hanc
Robin Roberts runs like a Kenyan. Okay, she doesn't run as fast as a Kenyan, but the 47-year-old New York City advertising executive--who trains far from Nairobi--has achieved personal records by using the same workout that has helped propel the likes of Paul Tergat and Lornah Kiplagat to greatness. The secret? A tempo run, that faster-paced workout also known as a lactate-threshold, LT, or threshold run.
Robin Roberts跑起来像肯尼亚人。Ok,她没有肯尼亚人跑得快,但是这位47岁的New York City广告经理---他的训练和Nairobi完全不同---创造了个人记录,使用的方法是帮助Paul Tergat 和 Lornah Kiplagat等人达到巅峰的同样方法。什么秘密?节奏跑,还被称之为乳酸门槛跑,LT,或门槛跑的快配速跑。
Roberts--who'd dabbled in faster-paced short efforts--learned to do a proper tempo run only when she began working with a coach, Toby Tanser. In 1995, when Tanser was an elite young track runner from Sweden, he trained with the Kenyan's "A" team for seven months. They ran classic tempos--a slow 15-minute warmup, followed by at least 20 minutes at a challenging but manageable pace, then a 15-minute cooldown--as often as twice a week. "The foundation of Kenyan running is based almost exclusively on tempo training," says Tanser. "It changed my view on training."
Roberts---涉足快配速短距离—当师从教练Toby Tanser时,她才开始学习正确的节奏跑。1995年当时Tanser是瑞典场地跑青年精英,他和肯尼亚“A”队一起训练7个月。他们训练经典节奏跑---热身慢跑15分钟,费劲但可以维持配速快跑20分钟,然后,冷身15分钟---每周2次。“肯尼亚人的跑步基础几乎完全基于节奏跑,”Tanser说。“节奏跑改变了我对跑步的看法。”
Today, Tanser and many running experts believe that tempo runs are the single most important workout you can do to improve your speed for any race distance. "There's no beating the long run for pure endurance," says Tanser. "But tempo running is crucial to racing success because it trains your body to sustain speed over distance." So crucial, in fact, that it trumps track sessions in the longer distances. "Tempo training is more important than speedwork for the half and full marathon," says Loveland, Colorado, coach Gale Bernhardt, author of Training Plans for Multisport Athletes. "Everyone who does tempo runs diligently improves." You also have to be diligent, as Roberts discovered, about doing them correctly.
今天,Tanser和许多跑步专家认为节奏跑是您提高任何距离比赛速度的唯一最重要训练。“我们不否定长距离跑对纯耐力的重要性,”Tanser说。“但是,节奏跑是比赛成败的关键,由于它可以训练您的身体长距离地保持速度。”因为它的重要性,实际上,节奏跑占用跑道的时间越来越长。“对于半程和全程马拉松,节奏跑比速度训练更加重要,”Loveland说,Colorado, Gale Bernhardt教练,《多项运动员训练计划》的作者。“只要勤奋,所有训练节奏跑的人都会提高。”您也必须勤奋,正如Roberts发现的,正确地进行节奏跑。
Why the Tempo Works...为什么节奏跑有作用?
Tempo running improves a crucial physiological variable for running success: our metabolic fitness. "Most runners have trained their cardiovascular system to deliver oxygen to the muscles," says exercise scientist Bill Pierce, chair of the health and exercise science department at Furman University in South Carolina, "but they haven't trained their bodies to use that oxygen once it arrives. Tempo runs do just that by teaching the body to use oxygen for metabolism more efficiently."
节奏跑可以改善决定跑步成败的关键生理变量:我们的代谢能力。“大多数跑步者已经训练了将氧气输送至肌肉的心血管系统,”运动科学家Bill Pierce说,South Carolina 的Furman 大学健康和运动系主任,“但是,他们没有训练他们的身体一旦氧气到达应该如何使用。”
How? By increasing your lactate threshold (LT), or the point at which the body fatigues at a certain pace. During tempo runs, lactate and hydrogen ions--by-products of metabolism--are released into the muscles, says 2:46 marathoner Carwyn Sharp, Ph.D., an exercise scientist who works with NASA. The ions make the muscles acidic, eventually leading to fatigue. The better trained you become, the higher you push your "threshold," meaning your muscles become better at using these byproducts. The result is less-acidic muscles (that is, muscles that haven't reached their new "threshold"), so they keep on contracting, letting you run farther and faster.
如何训练?作为2:46马拉松人,生物学博士,为NASA工作的运动科学家,Carwyn Sharp说,通过提高您的乳酸门槛(LT),或在一定配速下导致身体疲劳的强度点。在节奏跑过程中,乳酸根和氢离子---代谢的副产品---被释放进入肌肉。这些离子使肌肉呈酸性,最终导致疲劳。您训练的越好,您将您的“门槛”推得越高,意思是您更会使用这些副产品。结果是肌肉酸性降低(即,肌肉还没有达到新的“门槛”),所以肌肉继续伸缩,使您越跑越快。
...If Done Properly---...假设正确训练
But to garner this training effect, you've got to put in enough time at the right intensity--which is where Roberts went wrong. Her tempo runs, like those of many runners, were too short and too slow. "You need to get the hydrogen ions in the muscles for a sufficient length of time for the muscles to become adept at using them," says Sharp. Typically, 20 minutes is sufficient, or two to three miles if your goal is general fitness or a 5-K. Runners tackling longer distances should do longer tempo runs during their peak training weeks: four to six miles for the 10-K, six to eight for the half-marathon, and eight to 10 for 26.2.
为了达到训练效果,您必须在正确的配速下维持足够的时间--- Roberts就错在这里。她的节奏跑,和许多跑步者一样,时间太短,速度太慢。Sharp说:“您需要使氢离子在肌肉中停留足够的时间,使肌肉适应使用氢离子。”假设您的目标是一般的健身或5-K,通常,20分钟或2-3英里就足够了。假设目标是更长的距离,跑步者必须在他们赛前关键的数周内训练更长的节奏跑:10-K跑4-6英里,半程马拉松跑6-8英里,马拉松跑8-12英里。
Because Roberts was focusing on the half-marathon, Tanser built up her tempo runs to eight miles (plus warmup and cooldown) at an eight-minute-per-mile pace. "The pace was uncomfortable," she says. "But after a while I realized, 'Oh, I can maintain this for a long time.'"
由于Roberts专攻半程马拉松跑,Tanser让她以每英里8分钟配速,跑8英里节奏跑(包括热身和冷身)。“这个配速不太舒服,”她说。“但是,过了一会儿,我意识到,' Oh, 我可以维持这个配速好多时间。'”
That's exactly how tempo pace should feel. "It's what I call 'comfortably hard,'" says Pierce. "You know you're working, but you're not racing. At the same time, you'd be happy if you could slow down."
You'll be even happier if you make tempo running a part of your weekly training regimen, and get results that make you feel like a Kenyan--if not quite as fast.
UP TEMPO ---节奏跑
A classic tempo or lactate-threshold run is a sustained, comfortably hard effort for two to four miles. The workouts below are geared toward experience levels and race goals.
GOAL: Get Started Coach Gale Bernhardt uses this four-week progression for tempo-newbies. Do a 10- to 15-minute warmup and cooldown.
目标:节奏跑新人.Gale Bernhardt教练为节奏跑新人提供了4周渐进式练习。热身和冷身均为10-15分钟。
Week 1: 5 x 3 minutes at tempo pace, 60-second easy jog in between each one (if you have to walk during the recovery, you're going too hard).Week 2: 5 x 4 minutes at tempo pace, 60-second easy jog recovery Week 3: 4 x 5 minutes at tempo pace, 90-second easy jog recovery Week 4: 20 minutes steady tempo pace
第1周:5 x 3分钟@节奏跑配速,60秒恢复性轻松慢跑(假设不得不走的话,您跑的太猛了),
第2周:5 x 4分钟@节奏跑配速,60秒恢复性轻松慢跑,
第3周:4 x 5分钟@节奏跑配速,90秒恢复性轻松慢跑,
GOAL: 5-K to 10-K Run three easy miles, followed by two repeats of two miles at 10-K pace or one mile at 5-K pace. Recover with one mile easy between repeats. Do a two-mile easy cooldown for a total of eight or 10 miles.
目标:5-K 至10-K。3英里轻松跑,随后,2英里10-K配速或1英里10-K配速,重复2次,其间,1英里恢复性轻松慢跑。2英里轻松冷身慢跑,共计8或10英里。
GOAL: Half to Full Marathon Do this challenging long run once or twice during your training. After a warmup, run three (half-marathoners) or six (marathoners) miles at the easier end of your tempo pace range (see "The Right Rhythm," below). Jog for five minutes, then do another three or six miles. "Maintaining that comfortably hard pace for so many miles will whip you into shape for long distances," says coach Toby Tanser.
目标:半程至全程马拉松。这是一个挑战性长距离跑,在您的训练过程中,进行1或2次。热身后,跑3(半程马拉松人)或6(全程马拉松人)英里,按您节奏跑配速的低端配速(参见以下“正确的韵律”)。5分钟慢跑,再来一次3或6英里。Toby Tanser 教练说:“在舒服的高强度配速下,维持这么多英里将使您朝着长距离所需体能方向突飞猛进。”
The Right Rhythm---正确的韵律
To ensure you're doing tempo workouts at the right pace, use one of these four methods to gauge your intensity.
Recent Race: Add 30 to 40 seconds to your current 5-K pace or 15 to 20 seconds to your 10-K pace
Heart Rate: 85 to 90 percent of your maximum heart rate
Perceived Exertion: An 8 on a 1-to-10 scale (a comfortable effort would be a 5; racing would be close to a 10)
Talk Test: A question like "Pace okay?" should be possible, but conversation won't be.
(译注:摘自runner’s world.com)
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