[外文游泳文献] Underwater Dolphin Kick 『水下蝶泳腿 Ⅱ』

小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-18 19:26:42
12563 5

This week’s Speedo Tip of the Week was submitted by Ray Mitchell, head coach of the Terrapin Swim Club, who offers some advice on developing your underwater dolphin kick.
本周的Speedo小贴示是由Terrapin游泳俱乐部的主教练雷·米切尔(Ray Mitchell)提供的,他为大家带来的提高水下蝶泳腿的建议。

Mitchell’s Tip:
Here at the Terrapins, we emphasize this skill on a daily basis in our National and Pre-National training groups. At our age group level, this skill is highlighted as an important tool for future success. Basically everyone in our program works to some degree on improving their underwater kicking technique. This emphasis really helped current World Record Holder Natalie Coughlin develop her backstroke to the world-class level. It wasn’t until she really focused on and improved this skill that her backstroke caught fire. Much of what we now apply to the development of this skill came from Natalie’s training from age 14-17.
在Terrapin俱乐部,我们每天都对我们的国家级或者准国家级别的运动员做加强这种技巧的训练。在我们的低龄组运动员中,这种技巧是一种能提高他们水平的重要手段。基本上,我们的每位运动员都采用不同程度的训练来提高他们的水下蝶泳腿技术。这种强化训练让我们的世界纪录保持者纳塔丽·寇琳(Natalie Coughlin)把她的仰泳成绩提升到国际级水平。直到纳塔丽·寇琳(Natalie Coughlin)真正重视提高她的水下蝶泳腿技术的时候,她的仰泳技术才得到飞跃。我们现在采用的训练方法就是从纳塔丽(Natalie)14至17岁时的训练内容
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-18 19:26:56
To assess your potential in underwater dolphin kicking, there are a few basics to look for. First, you must maintain a superb streamline position. Reducing resistance and drag underwater with proper streamlining is a must. You cannot move forward in developing this skill unless you master streamlining. The next area to look at would be ankle flexibility (plantar flexion), core body strength and quadriceps / hamstring power – all-important components to effective dolphin kicking. If your dolphin kick is weak due to any of the above factors, then you must consider utilizing less of this skill (shorter distances off walls – shorter time underwater) or spend the time trying to strengthen your dolphin kick capabilities. In the end, you and your coach will have to decide how much of this skill is appropriate for you based on your physical make-up. In Natalie’s case, she not only has all the physical tools but also has the psychological determination to train this skill better and tougher than most.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-18 19:27:08
Here are a few sets and concepts that we have used at the Terrapins to train this skill:

Age Group Level – Sets of 25s, increasing the number of kicks underwater on each 25; holding the determined number of kicks underwater off each wall in training sets.

Senior Level – A. Use of monofins - example: 10x100m dolphin kick repeats on 1:30-1:40, going 25 under / 25 up, and on repeats #5 and #10 25 under / 25 up then 50 under.
·A 使用一体脚蹼——例如:每一分三十至四十秒,穿戴脚蹼完成100米蝶泳腿(如此重复十次):25次水下蝶泳腿、25次正常蝶泳腿,每五次或者十次转换动作。回程做50次连续的水下蝶泳腿。

B. 20x25y on :30 underwater dolphin kicking – time these on a watch to enhance quality of effort.
·B 20x25码 水下三十下蝶泳腿——计时,然后(在保持速度的前提下)尽量增加每次踢腿的效力。

C. 20x50y on :50, odds 15m kick underwater, then swim through turn and entire second 25 under on the way back; evens 25 kick under surface, one stroke away from wall turn and hold 15m kick underwater off turn. This requires tremendous discipline and breath control.
·C 前25码,出发时做一个水下15米小幅度蝶泳腿的滑行,然后游完剩下的十米,转身后一口气踢水下25码;再完成25米的回程匀速蝶泳腿后,在距壁一划远的地方开始转身,然后接一次水下15码的小幅度蝶泳腿滑行。这项练习对耐力和憋气的要求极为大。
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-18 19:27:23
D. 20-40 x 15m on :30, 15m kick under on watch; drill or sprint swim back to wall.
·D 20x15米或者40x15米三十米一单元,前十五米计时潜游,然后或继续踢或直接游到对面。

E. Vertical shooters off bottom – hold streamline position and bounce off bottom of pool and dolphin kick on way up to surface at max effort.
·E 垂直触低弹射——保持流线体位,然后(在深度合适的水域中)站在从池底向水面垂直做蝶泳腿弹跳,用最大的力量。

One thing we never do is underwater kicking for distance (see how far you can go or how many laps you can make underwater). This is very unsafe and does very little to enhance the power aspect of your underwater kicking. Remember you only get 15m off each wall to utilize this skill, so power and speed are the goals. So be safe and always practice your underwater skills under the direct supervision of your coach.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-18 19:27:36
A few comparisons to one of the best underwater dolphin kickers in the world - listed below are some of the more notable underwater kicking sets accomplished by Natalie in the past five years:

50y dolphin kick underwater from a push – 24.0 seconds.

15m kick underwater to head – 6.8 seconds (her goal has been 6.0 for 15m). 10x200y on 2:30 back, going 25 underwater dolphin kick / 25back swim averaged 2:07+ (this was done in warm-up prior to competing).

Dive 25 underwater, hand touch 10.2.
25米潜泳,触壁 10秒2

800m kick with 15m underwater off each wall – 11:35
八百米踢仰泳腿,每登壁后前15米为水下蝶泳腿 十一分三十五秒
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-18 19:27:47
Perhaps the most memorable utilization of this skill by Natalie that I remember was at the Kerr-McGee Pro-AM 200 free final, when Natalie was racing Ashley Tappin. Tappin had a lead into the last turn (175), and Natalie came off the wall and stayed under 15m to go 1:46 low. It was amazing to see this type of ability at the end of a race. Good luck with your efforts to improve your underwater kicking skills!
或许最为让我记忆犹新的一次纳塔丽(Natalie)使用水下蝶泳腿技术是在科麦奇全美职业公开赛的200米自由泳决赛时纳塔丽(Natalie)对阵阿什丽·塔品(Ashley Tappin)。塔品(Tappin)在最后一次转身前还处于领先位置(175米位置——短池),纳塔丽(Natalie)转身登壁后一次15米的水下蝶泳腿帮助她取得了不到1:46的成绩。能在比赛临近尾声时看到这么精彩的绝活,的确很赏心悦目。祝你在练习中取得好的成绩!
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