[外文游泳文献] Butterfly/Finishing Drills 『蝶泳训练、结束动作训练』

小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-18 20:06:14
10151 1
This week’s Speedo Tip of the Week was submitted by Bill Dorenkott, head coach of the men’s and women's swimming and diving team at Penn State, who offers some drills for honing perfect practice habits.
本周的Speedo小贴示是由宾夕发尼亚州(Penn State 美国的一个州)男子、女子以及跳水队主教练比尔·道蓝科特(Bill Dorenkott)提供的,他为大家带来的是一些关于如何养成完美训练习惯的小窍门儿。

Dorenkott’s tip:
At Penn State, we spend a great deal of time on skills and drills with all of our student-athletes. Most high-achieving athletes focus a great deal of their practice energy toward honing perfect practice habits. Many of the swimming progressions that we teach at Penn State are based on skill acquisition and development. I would like to share two skills/drills that we use throughout the season.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-18 20:06:32
The first is a drill based on the principle of action/reaction. (For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction). With our short axis swimmers (breast and fly) we swim whole stroke 25's with a tennis ball placed between the chin and chest. A number of our short axis swimmers will allow their head to climb high during the breathing portion of the stroke which in turn drops the head too low after the breath. We immediately follow the drill with whole stroke swimming without the ball. The goal is to keep the head in line with the body and allow momentum and energy to go forward instead of up and down.
第一个,是基于作用力于反作用力原理一种训练方法。(每一个作用力都会有一个与其能量相等而且作用相反的反作用力。)我们让每一位短轴游泳运动员(short axis,我认为这个应该是指蛙泳和蝶泳这两种泳姿在游进中不需要转体的这个特点。short axis swimmers 蛙泳运动员和蝶泳运动员。)在下巴和胸部之间夹住一颗网球游25米池。我们允许运动员在呼吸时将头部尽量向水面上伸(当然,是夹住球的哦),这样他们在结束吸气后头部就会与抬头同等幅度地向水下深深地沉。然后我们在让运动员们放下网球,再游一次25米。这个训练的目的是为了保持头部与身体在同一直线上,并让动量和能量向前释放(头部向前伸),而不是向上或者向下。

We focus early in the season on the skill of quality finishes. Whenever we get the chance to workout with the timing system, we do the following drill: line up your athletes one per lane, facing the touch pads and floating or sculling on the top of the water. We work this drill from 20, 12 1/2 and 5 yards out from the finish. From a float have the athlete listen for the starter's horn and sprint to an all out finish. By putting it on the timing system the intensity and competitiveness gets turned up a notch. This drill has allowed us to finish better on whole strokes.
第二个,是在这个季度的初期,我们采用的提高结束触壁动作质量的训练。每当我们有机会采用计时系统训练是,我们就做这个练习科目:将我们的运动员在水中排正一行,每个泳道一名,朝着终点的电子触壁计时板开始飘动或者在水面上慢划前进。我们把这个训练分为距离终点20码、12.5码以及5码三个级别。在缓慢向前漂流的运动员要注意听发令哨,哨音一响他们就要全速游进直到终点触壁。在训练中加入电子计时系统(touch pads 就是用来记录运动员触壁精确时间的置于泳道终点池壁上的电子感应器,这个touch pad还能为评断接力赛选手交棒时间提供权威依据。)以及实战效果,能为运动员带来一种真正夺魁的刺激。这个训练的确帮助我们做到了更好的全程结束触壁。
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