[外文游泳文献] Refueling and Rehydrating after Workout(训练后的能量补给)

小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-18 20:15:19
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This week’s Speedo Tip of the Week comes from Dr. Andrew Gregory of Vanderbilt University and professor Joel Stager of Indiana University. The two experts offer advice on rehydrating and refueling after workout.
本周的Speedo贴士来自范德比尔特大学的安德鲁. 格雷戈里博士(Andrew Gregory)和印第安纳大学的约耳书教授(Joel Stager)。这两位专家给我们提供了关于训练后的能量补给的建议。

The Tip:
A workout doesn't stop when an athlete leaves the pool. It's over when the body is re-hydrated and refueled.

"I tell athletes to think of recovery nutrition as phase two of a workout," said Dr. Andrew Gregory, team physician at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn. "The ability to perform at a high level the next day is dependent on how well the body recovers depleted energy stores and repairs muscles."
安德鲁. 格雷戈里博士说:“我告诉运动员们,要把恢复当作运动的第二个阶段。第二天能否高水平发挥取决于身体是否能够很好的恢复衰竭的能量并修复肌肉组织。”

The foods best equipped to help with recovery are a mix of carbohydrates and proteins. Carbohydrate, found in colorful fruits, yogurts, breads, cereals and more, is the prime source of energy. Protein, found in such foods as peanut butter, nuts and energy bars, is needed to help repair muscles. Drinks that contain carbohydrates and sodium, such as sports drinks, also are important because they replenish the fluids and nutrients lost by sweat.

Timing is key. Athletes have a 45-minute window of opportunity to maximize recovery, said Joel Stager, professor of kinesiology at Indiana University and coach for the Councilman Center Swim Club, a USA Swimming club in Bloomington, Ind.

"Athletes who eat and drink soon after practice have a distinct advantage over competitors who do not," Stager said.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-18 20:15:34
In fact, muscle cells become resistant to absorbing nutrients after two hours, said Stager, author of a study on the surprising benefits of chocolate milk as a recovery drink. The study, conducted on Indiana University athletes in 2004, showed that subjects who drank chocolate milk directly after morning practice were better able to perform during the afternoon practice.
“实际上,肌肉细胞在(运动之后)2小时后,开始拒绝吸收营养元素。”Joel Stager曾撰写了一篇研究文章,关于巧克力奶作为恢复饮料的惊人的益处。这项研究显示了运动员在早晨训练后立刻饮用巧克力奶,会在下午的训练中表现出色。

There are several reasons for this benefit: liquids are absorbed more quickly than solids, the carbs and calories of chocolate milk help compensate for weight loss; the sugar provides extra energy; and the pleasant taste makes it palatable for athletes who aren't inclined to eat or drink after practice, said Stager.

Whether swimmers drink chocolate milk or not, they need to see their training as a 24-7 process, said Stager.

"Eating right, as a key part of that process, may be ultimately as important as swimming up and down the pool,” Stager said. “Athletes who practice proper recovery nutrition on a daily basis can train better, ultimately leading to faster times when it really counts."
“正确的饮食,是恢复过程的关键部分,可能最终会和在池中游泳一样重要,”Joel Stager说,“在营养恢复上做得好的运动员也能训练得好,最终导致用更快的时间达到训练目标。”
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