[外文游泳文献] Hip Rotation & Underwater Kick in the Bk 『仰泳的转髋以及水下踢腿动作』

小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-23 21:48:29
11771 0

Hip Rotation and Underwater Kick in the backstroke

This week’s Speedo Tip of the Week comes from Randall Bal, a member of the National “A” Team. Bal, who swims at Stanford under coach Skip Kenney, most recently captured a silver medal in the 100m back at the 2002 Pan Pacific Championships in Japan.
本周的Speedo小贴示是由美国国家一队的仰泳选手蓝道·鲍尔(Randall Bal)提供的。鲍尔现归于教练斯吉普·肯尼(Skip Kenney)帐下,效力于Stanford大学游泳队。他同时也是2002年泛太平洋锦标赛的100米仰泳亚军获得者。

Bal’s Tip:
Two main things we focus on during practice are backstroke rotation and underwater kick.

With backstroke rotation, you want to keep your head completely still and have everything else rotate around that. It’s important to stay straight and have strong core tension. If you think about baseball players, they get their bat speed from moving from the hips rather than rotating with the arms. For backstroke, good rotation is just as important. If you can keep a straight line and rotate from the hips, then you can get the most power out of the stroke. I still work on it because I tend to run into the lane line all the time.

During practice, we do three-count rolls to work on rotation. In this drill, you start kicking on your side, with your top arm at your side, your bottom arm extended palm-down towards the bottom of the pool. Keep your head up, looking at the ceiling. After three seconds, take a stroke and rotate onto your other side. Be sure to keep core tension tight and lead with the hips. After three seconds, repeat and roll to your other side. Swim a few laps like this, the do the same drill with two-second intervals between pulls. Then break it down to one second, and then do your normal stroke. This drill helps train your body to have good rotation.
在练习时,我们先要做的是一个叫“三个数翻身”的动作训练转体。在这个训练中,我们从侧身踢腿开始:踢腿时,近水面的一臂要自然摆放于体侧;近池底的一臂则要尽量伸展,并保证手掌朝向池底。注意保持头部高出水面,眼观篷顶。保持该状态踢腿三秒钟后,做一次划臂动作并将身体转向另外一边。一定注意保持身体中轴线的紧张(core tension tight 应该是指身体沿头部、脊椎的所在直线尽量拉长),并由臀部发力带动转体。三秒钟后,重复之前的动作将身体转向另外一边。这样游几圈后,你可以开始继续做同样的动作,但把两次划臂的间隔调整到两秒(数:1、2,然后划臂)。再之后可以调整到划臂间隔一秒,直到最后减少到你的正常的划臂节奏。这个练习训练你的身体作出好的转体动作。

With underwater kick, your movement should be similar to a wave. The up motion for the kick starts from your chest and goes down to your feet like a whip. Have other teammates or your coach check out your kick to make sure your undulation is there, starting from the chest down. Along with that, make sure you don’t have much knee bend. You want to keep your kick tight and small with slight knee bend.

Having a good underwater kick is an advantage especially for short course swimming because if you have a good underwater kick, it can help you get out 15 meters and decrease the amount of swimming you have to do. The less distance you have to swim, the more time your arms have to rest.

A few other things I try to think about during practice are:

Always be conscious of body position. Try to keep your body in a straight line, especially when you’re starting to fatigue.

A lot of backstrokers overreach. My coach says I tend to overreach with my arms because my hips are late in rotating. Try to enter the water behind your shoulder rather than overreaching.

Exit the water thumb first rather than pinkie first. If you exit thumb first, your triceps won’t be tightened up, which gives you a chance to let your triceps rest during part of the motion.
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