[外文游泳文献] Speedy Starts(快速的出发)

小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-23 21:53:59
9621 1
This week’s Speedo Tip of the Week comes from the March-April 2007issueof Splash, in which Ian Crocker offers some advice on developingspeedystarts. Special correspondent Bonnie Moss interviewed theOlympic goldmedalist for these tips.

Crocker’s Tips:

  * Picking between a flat/grab or a track start is apersonalchoice. But Crocker says that since changing to a track start,heproduces more momentum when hitting the water.
    * Foratrack start, curling the toes over the edge with the leading footwillprovide more grip, power and leg strength. Grab the block withhandsshoulder-width apart and fingers under the block to get the bestgrippossible. Your eyes should be looking down at the pool wall.
  * Many swimmers are taught to lean as far forward aspossiblewithout falling in. It’s difficult to do, and any noise ormovement inyour field of vision can make you flinch and fall in. SoCrocker doesthe opposite. He leans way back with his arms flexed andelbows locked.“I also open up my legs at a wider angle for an optimalpowerposition,” he says. “When you lean back, be aggressive aspossible,like you’re trying to break the block to feel explosive.”
  * When the starter goes off, pull up as hard as you can ontheblock. Keep your head in a streamlined position and get as farforwardas possible, like you’re trying to touch the other end.
  * When you hit the water, make your body fit through thenarrowestpassageway possible. Your feet should enter through the sametiny holecreated by your hands.
    * The fastest part of your swimis at entry, so maximize your momentum by keeping a tightstreamline.Any immediate kicking will slow you down. Crocker typicallywaits untilhis momentum from the dive is about to fade before hestarts kicking.
   * Crocker likes the “clapping reactiondrill” to keep hisreflexes sharp. The drill trains your body to reactevery time it hearsthe gun. Simply clap your hands as quickly as youcan every time youhear the starter in the heats preceding yours.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-23 21:54:18
* 选择跳发姿势(如平式/抓台式/蹲距式)是个人喜好不同。但是Crocker说,自从他选择了蹲距式,他发现,入水有更大的动能(蹲距式是现在最流行的出发方式)
* 蹲距式出发,前脚的脚趾弯曲,钩住跳台,手同肩宽,抓住跳台。眼睛看池底。
* 许多游泳选手都是在保证不掉下去的前提下把身体尽可能向前倾,这其实非常困难,而且,稍有不慎就会导致你掉下去(去看看索普掉下去那次的照片吧,你就会明白为什么了)。而Crocker的做法则相反。他尽量把身体向后,锁定肘部。Crocker还说:“我两脚分开成较大的角度,以使得能够更好的发力”
* 当听到发令时,用力向上拉。保持你的头部呈流线型状向前。想像你试图要触到对岸
* 当你的身体接触到水时,想像你的身体要通过一个很狭窄的通道,你的脚的入水点要和你的头的入水点一致(传说中的洞式入水)
* 入水的时候的速度是最快的,所以要在入水后保持良好的流线型。不要马上打腿,这会减慢你的速度。Crocker一般都是等到速度要开始下降的时候开始打腿。
* Crocker喜欢做拍手反应练习。这个练习可以保持他的感觉敏锐。
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