[外文游泳文献] Reducing and Controlling Fear 减少并控制恐惧情绪

小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-23 22:01:36
10925 1
Reducing and Controlling Fear

This week’s Speedo Tip of the Week comes from Ben Harlow, head age group coach for the ConocoPhillips Splash Club in Bartlesville, Okla. He offers some advice on reducing and controlling fear.
本周的Speedo贴士来自于Ben Harlow教练,他来自于Okla Bartlesville的ConocoPhillips Splash俱乐部,他是俱乐部的年龄组主教练。他给大家提供了一些关于减少并控制恐惧情绪的建议。

Harlow’s Tip:

Reducing and controlling fear is a very difficult thing to achieve when you are surrounded by new, exciting and different challenges than you are used to.  I would like to offer some suggestions to help control – if not overcome – most of the fear prior to meets.

First of all, fear to some small degree is a good thing.  It helps you realize that you really do care about what you are doing. It lets you know that it is important to you and others.  The problem is having too much fear.  This causes swimmers that are great in practice to freeze up and make mistakes they normally would not make in swim practice.
Below I have listed a number of tips to help you overcome pre-meet jitters:

1.        Practice. The first thing to do is to soak up like a sponge everything your coach and swimmers older than you have to offer to make your practices and swim meets better experiences.

2.        Use time in the pool to not only get in shape, get stronger and technically sound, but to practice races and events, which occur on Saturday and Sunday against the best in your state or sectional area.  Make it feel as “real” as possible!  Use starts, crowd noise, home officials and fellow swimmers to help you prepare for this.

3.        Visualize. Whether at the pool or at home, use visualization to go through the steps and see the perfect race in your mind.  Get in a comfortable place and go through the start, streamline, breakout, strokes, turns and finishes until you have completed the perfect race and can look up in your mind at the board and see your goal time posted.  Visualize the pool you will swim in too (if possible).

4.        Breathing Techniques. Use breathing techniques like deep belly breathing, rapid shallow breathing and “dragon’s” breath to let your lungs and body get used to the feeling while visualizing.  It is amazing what your mind can help you accomplish!

5.        Study the Competition. Get to know your competition or read about the best and what makes them tick. Try not to let their times intimidate you. Never lose before you even get off of the block. Like Kristy Kowal has said, “If you have a lane, you have a chance!”
从比赛中学习。尝试了解你的对手,特别是那些优秀的选手,并且了解他们的比赛动机。不要为他们的成绩所吓倒,在没有被淘汰之前,永远都不应该放弃!就像Kristy Kowal曾经说的:“如果你拥有一个泳道,你就拥有一次机会!”

6.        Post your goals. Place your goal times everywhere you can think of: school and pool lockers, mirrors, nightstand, homemade book covers and bulletin boards. This way they become familiar and special to you.  

Now that you know what you can do at practice to prepare yourself for the big competition, come back next week to read coach Harlow’s tips on how you can calm your nerves on the day of the meet.
bhldin 发表于 2011-3-5 23:13:39
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