[外文游泳文献] Butterfly Breathing Technique 蝶泳呼吸技术

小臭贝 发表于 2011-3-1 21:20:45
9086 1
This week’s Speedo Tip of the Week comes from USA Swimming’s Biomechanics Coordinator Russell Mark. Mark offers some advice on butterfly breathing technique.
本周的Speedo贴士来自于美国游泳生物力学顾问Russell Mark。他有一些关于蝶泳的呼吸技术的建议。

Mark’s Tip:


The best butterfliers in the world come out of the water just enough to take a breath and then drive forward with their arms and body, being careful not to dive down at all.
Most swimmers lift their body up too high when they breathe because they take a breath by arching their backs and lifting their heads. Try not to do that. Instead, work on a good strong finish with your pull and make sure you have two kicks to every stroke. That will support you when you take a breath by keeping your body moving forward, and you won’t have to come up so high in order to make sure you have enough time to take the breath.

 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-3-1 21:20:57
Not breathing as much doesn’t fix the problem because you will have to come up to breathe at some point.
Breathing to the side works well for some people, but I would be careful because it’s not the best for everyone, and if it’s not done correctly, it can lead to a lopsided stroke.

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