[外文游泳文献] Sprinters Tips(短距贴士)

小臭贝 发表于 2011-3-1 21:21:59
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This week’s Speedo Tip of the Week is an excerpt from the January-February 2005 issue of Splash, in which special correspondent Bonnie Moss writes about a sprinter’s training regimen. She offers some advice from U.S. World Championships team coach Dave Salo and from one of his star pupils, Olympic gold medalist Jason Lezak.

This Week’s Tip:
Most swimmers don’t use the words endurance and sprint in the same sentence. But even the fastest men in the world still need endurance by the end of race to hold their speed, so it’s important to work on sets that focus on the endurance to maintain sprinting capacity.

Water-based stretch/resistance cords are great tools for sprinters. Salo gives his sprinters sets of repeats that last the duration of their race. For example, while attached to a resistance cord, a swimmer sprints half the length of the pool (a 50-meter pool works best), then sprint kicks the second half to within 5 meters of the wall, then sprint swims again into the wall. After touching the wall, the swimmer immediately starts sprint kicking (with hands flat against the wall) for the duration of the swimmer’s goal time. Sound exhaustive? Not done yet. The swimmer then explodes off that wall in a tight streamline position with the force of the cord pulling him back. When the force of the cord no longer pulls, the swimmer sprints into the finish. Rest about 15 seconds and repeat this exercise twice, then rest one minute and repeat four more times.

“This is an effective set because it works endurance while maintaining sprinting capacity,” Salo says.

One of Salo’s favorite endurance sets consists of swimming a 25, 50, 75 and 100 as fast as possible, all on three-minute intervals. “I start out working on pure speed but still need the endurance to hang on,” says Lezak, one of Salo’s pupils.
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