[外文游泳文献] Teaching breaststroke

小臭贝 发表于 2011-3-10 22:11:51
13539 12
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-3-10 22:12:03
We have had our share of excellent breaststroke swimmers come through the ranks of our program, culminating with the American record set by Amanda Beard at the Olympic Games. While we tend to have some preconceived ideas of the ideal stroke-there is still consideration for individual variation. I don't think that I would characterize what we promote through our program as the wave breaststroke or any other particular term, but there are some fundamental features of what we are looking for in the stroke. These continue to develop and change as we see the performances of our swimmers and the development of technique internationally.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-3-10 22:12:22
The basic tenet that dictates the development of our breaststroke swimmers is maintenance of high hand and heel velocities during training. There is little room for slow breaststroke swimming in our program. Additionally, I have characterized breaststroke training doing component training. While our breaststroke swimmers perform 80 percent or more of their training as breaststroke- no more than 20 to 40 percent of that total is whole stroke swimming.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-3-10 22:12:35

One of the first criteria I stress as being extremely important to the overall success in breaststroke is the recovery to streamline. The streamline position-no matter how brief-assures full extension and maximum distance per stroke. One of the major problems for the breaststroke swimmer in competition is the shortening of the stroke with the onset of fatigue-as well as the loss in turnover rate with full extension. Therefore, to further express the importance of this aspect of the stroke, I stress extending into the outsweep of the stroke.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-3-10 22:12:46

I consider the entire pulling phase of the stroke as triphasic, i.e. outsweep, insweep and recovery. I would characterize the outsweep as a setup for the more propulsive insweep phase, emphasizing a more constant velocity through the outsweep. Consider the swimmer moving through sheets of parallel planes of water: During the outsweep, the arms remain straight and confined to a plane near the surface of the water (six to 10 inches). At the widest part of the stroke (which depends on individual strength) the insweep begins to take form, characterized by increased velocity through to the recovery phase.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-3-10 22:12:58
The insweep takes form as the inside edge of the arms (which I refer to as the blade-thumb-side) begins to take the lead. The edge extends from the finger tips to the elbow. Consider the edge to cut through the series of parallel planes with the elbows maintaining their position within the original plane. The blade therefore cuts through these planes much like a propeller, creating resistance and propulsion on the inside of the arm. Through the completion of the insweep, the swimmer finds the hands coming toward each other with the elbows trailing and ending closely together. The position of the hands at this point should be above the level of the elbows as the swimmer begins the recovery phase. Through the insweep phase the shoulders and back lift while driving forward (this is stressed so as not to create too much upward motion-thereby sacrificing forward movement). Also during this phase, the elbows remain fairly close to their original planar position.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-3-10 22:13:10
Reduction of drag should characterize the recovery to the extent that the hands are held close together with the elbows also being close together through the forward extension. Whether or not this phase needs to occur above the surface or below the surface is not as important as emphasizing that the hands should not be lifted out of the water into the recovery phase. More important is that at the beginning of the recovery phase, the hands are at a position slightly higher than the elbows, and that recovery occurs straight forward as opposed to downward. As the arms recover, the head is maintained in a position in line with the back and settles between the arms ending the stroke cycle in a streamlined position.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-3-10 22:13:31

Among the factors that are important to the breaststroke kick is a concentrated effort on heel speed, especially during the recovery phase. The biggest mistake breaststroke swimmers make in kicking is the manner in which they train. Very little effort is placed on the recovery phase of the kick-specifically the acceleration of the heels during recovery. The heels should be drawn up toward the hips with maximum speed and the toes are turned outward to initiate the propulsive phase. The heels should continue to be the leaders and with the heels in a position outside of the knees, propulsion begins. The heels take an elliptical path as the legs are extended-pressure maintained on the bottom of the feet. At full extension the heels come together and the completion of the kick occurs as the toes are extended to maximize the streamlined position.

The question as to how wide the kick should be, again, like the arm pull, depends upon the individual swimmers characteristics of strength, flexibility and relationship to the capacity of the pull.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-3-10 22:13:45

In my mind, there are certain components of the stroke where timing can be evaluated and corrected. In the pull, I look to the velocity characteristics of the outsweep and insweep. I look to see that there is a relative constant velocity through the outsweep with an increase in velocity through the insweep into the recovery. During the kick and the initiation of the heel recovery, I suggest that the swimmer feel the recovery begin through the outsweep so that as the recovery phase begins, the propulsive phase of the kick occurs nearly simultaneously. In all, there should be a sense that during the propulsive phase of the arm stroke the recovery (and hence the drag phase) of the heels is occurring and vice versa.

Lastly, I look for the lift of shoulders and back to occur through the insweep phase of the stroke with the head staying in-line with the back.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-3-10 22:13:57

I believe that the most effective way to train for the breaststroke is through component training. The major problem in training breaststroke occurs when the stroke is not maintained correctly; i.e. with proper timing, body position on the water, appropriate streamlining characteristics, and heel and hand speed. Continuous long sets of breaststroke foster improper mechanics and the ability to turn-on the stroke through a race is compromised.
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