[外文游泳文献] How distance swimmers are trained

小臭贝 发表于 2011-3-10 22:21:03
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This week’s Speedo Tip of the Week is an excerpt from the January-February 2003 issue of Splash, in which managing editor Jim Rusnak writes about how distance swimmers are trained, with the help of Terrapins Swim Team coach Ray Mitchell and Mission Viejo’s Bill Rose. They offer some advice on the rolls aerobic endurance, pace work and technique play in training distance swimmers.

The Tip:
In setting up a training plan, it’s not all about the mileage. Aerobic endurance, pace work and technique go hand-in-hand.

“People are thinking more about how they’re getting their yardage in,” Mitchell said.

Both Mitchell and Rose dedicate certain portions of their distance swimmers’ practices to working on pace, technique, kicking, pulling and general endurance. How much they do of each depends on how long they have to practice, the phase of the season and the event the swimmer is training for.

“The main thing we work on is controlling and understanding one’s basic energy system,” Rose said. “Once they can handle the time and distance on an endurance factor, we try to improve upon how fast they can get there, whether it be holding technique, holding a better pace, or whatever that may be.”

In terms of overall mileage, Mitchell recommends anywhere between 60,000 and 65,000 meters per week for the average developmental distance swimmer. But that is just a guideline. Coaches should evaluate their swimmers’ abilities before assigning too much.

“It’s really technique-determined,” Mitchell said. “If we’re just reinforcing bad habits by doing more yardage, I think we’re doing more harm than good. If they’re technically efficient, and their strokes don’t break down, they can handle more mileage.

“Also, you’ve got to consider how injury prone your swimmers might be. Putting in too much mileage, too intensely, too early and with faulty technique can do damage. I think how much mileage you do is a pretty individual thing.”
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