[自由泳教学] 如何快速完成自由泳接力的动作 Freestyle Starts, Breakouts & Finishes

iswim 发表于 2011-4-3 00:52:23
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本帖最后由 iswim 于 2011-4-3 00:58 编辑

Faster Fast Sprint freestyle Starts, Breakouts & Finishes with Richard Quick and Brett Hawke

 楼主| iswim 发表于 2011-4-3 00:59:16
Product DescriptionProduct Description* Carry maximum start speed into your breakout * Develop an optimal angle of entry with simplified start drills * Detailed relay starts for faster exchanges with Richard Quick,former Auburn Head Coach,and Brett Hawke, Auburn University Head Coach Coach Hawke begins building the start from the basics, with simplified deck-level diving drills that focus on hand position and lining up the body for an optimal angle of entry. On the block drills stress attaining an ideal angle of entry. Hawke shares varying hand positioning drills that assist in finding the style of dive that is best for the individual swimmer. Hawke's "full start" instruction includes a checklist of proper "take your mark" positioning and specific instruction for positioning the feet and hands. Cesar Cielo and Fred Bousquet, 2008 Olympic medalists, perform full starts while Hawke contrasts each start style. Hawke teaches effective breakout strategies and techniques that carry optimal dive speed through the breakout stroke cycle. Quick and Hawke next share Relay Exchange instruction that features demonstration of three different take-off options from simple to complex. In the Finishes segment, Quick and Hawke present technical specifics for quality finishing. 41 minutes. 2008.

 楼主| iswim 发表于 2011-4-3 01:00:01
*携带到你的最大突破*启动速度发展一开始演习*简化入境最佳角度与理查德快速详细的前主教练奥本,霍克和布雷特,奥本大学主教练主教练霍克开始启动更快的交流接力开始建设简化甲板级潜水训练的基本知识,手的位置上,并排队为重点的身体进入最佳角度。在该区块钻应力达到一进入理想角度。霍克股定位不同的手钻,可以协助寻找潜水风格,是最适合个人的游泳运动员。霍克的“全面启动”指令包括一个合适的“把你的商标”为定位的定位和具体指导的脚和手的清单。塞萨尔切洛和弗雷德布斯凯,2008年奥运会奖牌得主,执行完全启动每次启动时霍克对比风格。霍克教导有效突破战略和技术,贯彻突破冲程最佳潜水速度。霍克未来快速分享接力交换指令,具有三种不同的起飞,从简单到复杂的选项示范。在表面处理领域,快速,霍克目前质量技术细节整理。 41分钟。 2008。
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