[外文游泳文献] David Marsh Swimming Faster - Freestyle

iswim 发表于 2011-4-3 14:06:25
12271 1
David Marsh Swimming Faster - freestyle
 楼主| iswim 发表于 2011-4-3 14:06:42
Product Description
Product Description
Fast freestyle has truly been the cornerstone of the emergence and continued dominance of Auburn Swimming. In this 4-part video, Marsh shares the drills, skills, and techniques that have guided his Auburn swimmers to unparalleled success! Part 1: Begins with a narrative review of the full stroke technique of former Auburn All-American Rada Owen followed by an on deck demonstration/discussion of the components of the freestyle. Part 2: 12-drill progression to build the ideal freestyle beginning with establishing core body position and rotation. Marsh adds the arm movement through single arm drills with rotation. Marsh includes a segment of drills using a front snorkel to allow swimmers to focus on arm movement and rotation without having to add the skill of breathing. Part 2 also includes unique drills that help teach a "3/4 catch-up" stroke designed to achieve the goal of achieving a "high catch position." Part 3: Marsh uses a telestrator to give a detailed breakdown of both an elite swimmer and a "mid-level" swimmer's freestyle stroke cycle. Part 4: Recap section. The components necessary for swimming faster freestyle are reviewed. Incredible underwater and slow motion footage enhance this exceptional video! 38 minutes. 2004.
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