[外文游泳文献] Freestyle Mechanics,Part 2 ( 自由泳运动机理 II )

小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-7 21:04:18
12558 3
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-7 21:04:29
Freestyle Mechanics, Part 2

This week’s Speedo Tip of the Week is an excerpt from the July-August 2003 issue of Splash, in which Splash managing editor Jim Rusnak breaks down the mechanics of freestyle, with the help of some of USA Swimming’s top age group coaches – David Finger of Stingrays near Buffalo, N.Y.; Elyce Kastigar of Aberdeen Swim Club in Aberdeen S.D.; and Shari Skabelund of the Seals Aquatic Team in Utah.
本周的Speedo小贴士节选自2003年7~8月份Splash杂志。这期杂志中杂志主编吉姆鲁斯奈克在一些美国年龄组最佳游泳教练---戴维芬格,纽约州布法罗附近的Stingray;Elyce Kastigar,阿伯丁的阿伯丁人游泳俱乐部;还有Shari Skabelund,犹他州西尔水上俱乐部---的帮助下,打破了长期以来流行的自由泳运动机理。

All three coaches were named the American Swimming Coaches Association Age Group Coach of the Year for their Local Swimming Committees.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-7 21:04:40
Kicking and the Stroke Cycle

Along with head and body positioning, it’s imperative to have a steady kick, as many age groupers – and even some older swimmers – sometimes have a tendency to pause their kick in the middle of the stroke cycle, or not use their legs at all. Swimmers should remember to kick from the hips, keep their toes pointed and bend the knees only slightly.

Another thing to watch for is keeping a high elbow on the recovery, with the hand below the elbow while the arm is in the air. The hand then enters the water fingers first to begin the underwater portion of the stroke.

High elbows are the rule underwater, as well. As the hand enters the water and initiates the catch, the hand should be pointed towards the bottom of the pool, palms facing toward the feet. The elbows should be bent throughout the underwater cycle so that again, they are positioned higher in the water than the hand.

Meanwhile, the hand should travel directly under the centerline of the body and accelerate throughout the stroke. Swimmers should take care not to reach their arms across the centerline of the body, or they will end up wiggling their way down the lane.

Finally, swimmers should concentrate on keeping a long, smooth stroke. Hands should enter the water at an almost full extension of the arm and finish as the rotation of the body drives the hand through the completion of the stroke.

“A lot of swimmers rush the stroke, instead of keeping it long and smooth,” Kastigar said. “They either enter with their arms too close to their heads, or they’re not finishing the stroke.” In terms of getting swimmers to complete the stroke properly, it’s helpful to remind swimmers to touch the sides of their legs with their thumbs at the end of each stroke.
 楼主| 小臭贝 发表于 2011-4-7 21:05:01
Putting it all Together

In putting it all together, it’s important to remember that each component of the stroke goes hand-in-hand with the others. For example, a bad hand entry might cause the hand to cross underneath the body during the underwater phase of the pull.

“A lot of stroke defects are interrelated,” Finger said. “If you do something wrong with some part of the body, it causes something else to go wrong somewhere else.”
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